




●JMC   JMC江铃汽车   Jiangling Motors Company  江铃汽车股份有限公司 由1968年成立的江西汽车制造厂发展而来,2004年产销量6.7万辆,在中国所有汽车制造商中位列第十四位。  从一家濒临倒闭的地方小厂起步,江铃以开放的理念和富于进取性的发展战略从市场中脱颖而出,成为中国商用车领域最大的企业之一,国内汽车行业发展最快的企业和经济效益最好的企业之一,连续三年位列中国上市公司百强,2005年被评为中国最具竞争力的汽车类上市公司第一名。  江铃于二十世纪八十年代中期在中国率先通过引进国际上最新的卡车技术制造五十铃汽车,成为中国主要的轻型卡车制造商。1993年11月,在深圳证券交易所上市,成为江西省第一家上市公司,并于1995年在中国第一个以ADRS发行方式引入美国福特汽车公司结成战略合作伙伴。  作为江西较早引入外商投资的企业,江铃引进了福特等世界五百强作为战略投资者,迅速发展壮大。1997年,江铃/福特成功推出中国第一辆中外联合开发的汽车—-全顺。江铃吸收世界最前沿的产品技术、制造工艺、管理理念,有效的股权制衡机制、高效透明的运作和高水准的经营管理,使公司形成了规范的管理运作体制,以科学的制度保证了公司治理和科学决策的有效性。江铃建立了研发、物流、销售服务和金融支持等符合国际规范的体制和运行机制,成为中国本地企业与外资合作成功的典范。  江铃拥有中国一流的发动机、铸造、冲压、车身、总装等几十条现代化的生产线,运用国际最新质量管理手段和制造体系,进行严格的生产过程控制。公司通过国家强制性产品认证(3C)及包括设计开发环节的ISO9001和ISO14000环保体系认证,江铃发动机厂,车桥厂、车架厂等主要部件厂通过全球最严格的QS9000质量体系认识。江铃“宝典”皮卡和运霸客货   两用车成为国家免检产品。全顺商用车2003、2004、2005年连续荣获福特全球顾客满意金奖。  江铃根据顾客的个性化需求不断开发新的品种。实用化功能与简约时尚价值观相融合的江铃汽车产品,已经包括了全顺汽车、“宝典”皮卡、“凯运”轻卡、宝威BUV商务多功能在内的四大系列四百多个车型。江铃汽车抓住市场中枢,充分满足不同顾客群的消费需求,不断开创节能、实用、环保汽车产品的新典范。畅销中国十几年的江铃轻型卡车延续着市场优势,“宝典”皮卡、“凯运”轻卡在中国细分市场占有率名列第一,根据中国市场需求陆续开发的全顺救护车、计划生育车、物流车、防弹运钞车等,凭借多功能配置和个性化订单生产的强大优势,江铃专用车的改装开发生产能力和销量全国第一。  江铃在中国汽车市场率先建立现代营销体系,构建了遍布全国的强大营销网络。按照销售、配件、服务、信息“四位一体”的专营模式,在中国至今已拥有一级代理商70多家,二级网点300多家,特约服务站遍布全国,达到200多家。江铃以顾客为焦点,采用福特在全球实施的服务2000标准模式,全力追求服务过程品质,顾客服务满意度评价在福特全球企业中居于前列。优质的营销、健全的网络和快速、完备的顾客服务,成为江铃在中国市场的核心竞争力,树立起江铃汽车中国商务车领域知名品牌的形象。  基于企业信息化的管理基础,江铃建立了动态供应链管理体系和专业化、市场化的一体化物流服务体系,由信息技术驱动业务流程及解决方案,以高效的产销协调机制和柔性化生产,实现了制造效率的提升、企业成本的连年大幅下降。  通过吸收外国的先进技术,江铃提高自主开发能力,并将具有性能价格比优势的汽车打入国际市场,在海外销售网络已经延伸到中东、中美洲的许多国家,出口量大幅增长,其中轻型柴油卡车出口量在中国企业中列第一位。  为了实践做大做强的追求,江铃人正利用国际资源,顺应全球企业重组的潮流,寻求更宽广的发展视野,成为中国乃至亚太地区重要的商用车生产基地。   该企业在中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会联合发布的2006年度中国企业500强中名列第二百七十四,2007年度中国企业500强中名列第二百九十四。







●无人驾驶汽车是一种智能汽车,也可以称之为轮式移动机器人,主要依靠车内以计算机系统为主的智能驾驶仪来实现无人驾驶。它一般是利用车载传感器来感知车辆周围环境,并根据感知所获得的道路、车辆位置和障碍物信息,控制车辆的转向和速度,从而使车辆能够安全、可靠地在道路上行驶 无人驾驶汽车集自动控制、体系结构、人工智能、视觉计算等众多技术于一体,是计算机科学、模式识别和智能控制技术高度发展的产物。其中制约无人驾驶汽车量产的原因在与激光雷达的价格以及量产。国外的Velodyne供货周期在8周,国内做的好的速腾聚创供货周期在4周。


● 在那些鼓吹无人驾驶的人对车里只有乘客的未来期望很高,他们描述未来人类司机可以在无人驾驶的汽车里做其他事情:读书看报、用笔记本工作或者小睡一会什么的。但对于部分人来说,这只是另一个虚无缥缈的未来罢了。根据2014年密歇根大学提供的一项研究报告显示,除去23%的美国人不愿意接受无人驾驶外,剩下的人里有36%虽然愿意把驾驶权交出去给程序,但表示会一直盯着路面。其中一些人盯着车外的原因是这样有助于避免恶心、头晕和呕吐,特别是他们属于那5%-10%的经常晕车的人群的时候。

不过不用担心,解决方法马上就要面世了。上文晕车研究报告的作者们Michael Sivak和Brandon Schoettle都在该大学的交通研究所里就职,他们刚刚取得了一项可以用来对抗晕车的专利。 晕动病是由于机械性地检测运动状态的内耳与以光学的方式检测运动的眼睛传输到大脑的信号冲突引起的,如果乘客在看车内的静止物体如看书,他的眼睛就会告诉大脑说它看到的东西没有动哦。而他的内耳因为检测到车辆在运动,从而与眼睛的信号冲突。起码有一种以上的类似理论解释说,信号的冲突让大脑得出结论说,这个傻X肯定是吃了毒蘑菇之类的导致产生幻觉了,我还是帮他把毒蘑菇吐出来,免得挂掉了,于是大脑发指令给肠胃催吐。 Sivak博士和Schoettle先生的想法是首先在车上安排一系列的小灯光,让乘客无论在车内看什么都会有这些小亮点出现在他们的视野外围。这些灯可能是小型的LED,也可以安装在耳机、帽子或者眼镜框上。这些灯受各种传感器控制,在汽车开起来之后以模仿车辆的速度,滚动,俯仰和其他运动的方式闪烁。 对于用户来说,这些灯光的效果是让视觉信号与内耳检测到的运动信号同步。例如,当车辆向前行驶时,眼睛两侧的灯光可能从前到后闪烁,停车的时候灯光也相对应停下来。同理,当车辆王左右转的时候,也可以用灯光的闪烁速度和亮度模拟车辆的加速度。Sivak博士和Schoettle先生的专利里,灯光阵列还可以布置在车辆内的各个位置,例如车门支柱,侧壁和座椅上。这样一来乘客就不需要佩戴专门的设备就可以感知灯光。 密歇根大学的团队正在制造这个专利的原型机并希望能商业化,为此大学正在与汽车制造商及供应商进行讨论。当然,这个系统可以安装在有人驾驶汽车上面,特别是儿童特别容易晕车,虽然儿童比成人坐车敏感的原因至今不明。尽管飞机和船只的移动方式和汽车大相径庭,但这套系统也可能助于解决晕机晕船等其他形式的晕动病。对于大众来说,这套系统可以让自己有一次舒适的乘车体验就够了。而对于像优步和Lyft这种计划在未来提供无人驾驶出租车服务的公司来说,这些闪闪的小灯可以省下一大笔清洁费。


●A bus is a large road vehicle intended to carry numerous persons in addition to the driver and sometimes a conductor. The name is a shortened version of Latin omnibus, which means "for everyone."HistoryThe omnibus, the first organized public transit system, may have originated in Nantes, France in 1826, when Stanislas Baudry, a retired army officer who had built public baths (run from the surplus heat from his flour mill) on the city's edge, set up a short stage line between the center of town and his baths. The service started on the Place du Commerce, outside the hat shop of M. Omnès, who displayed the motto Omnès Omnibus ("Omnès for all") on his shopfront. When Baudry discovered that passengers were just as interested in getting off at intermediate points as in patronizing his baths, he shifted the stage line's focus. His new voiture omnibus ("carriage for all") combined the functions of the hired hackney carriage with the stagecoach that travelled a predetermined route from inn to inn, carrying passengers and mail. His omnibus featured wooden benches that ran down the sides of the vehicle; entry was from the rear.There is also a claim from the UK where in 1824 John Greenwood operated the first "bus route" from Market Street in Manchester to Pendleton in Salford.[citation needed]Whether by direct emulation, or because the idea was in the air, by 1832 the idea had been copied in Paris, Bordeaux and Lyons. A London newspaper reported in July 4, 1829 that "the new vehicle, called the omnibus, commenced running this morning from Paddington to the City". This bus service was operated by George Shillibeer. "Omnibus," crayon and watercolor drawing by Honoré Daumier, 1864 (Walters Art Museum).In New York, omnibus service began in the same year, when Abraham Brower, an entrepreneur who had organized volunteer fire companies, established a route along Broadway starting at Bowling Green. Other American cities soon followed suit: Philadelphia in 1831, Boston in 1835 and Baltimore in 1844. In most cases, the city governments granted a private company—generally a small stableman already in the livery or freight-hauling business—an exclusive franchise to operate public coaches along a specified route. In return, the company agreed to maintain certain minimum levels of service—though one of these standards was not upholstery. The New York omnibus quickly moved into the urban consciousness. In 1831, New Yorker Washington Irving remarked of Britain's Reform Act (finally passed in 1832): "The great reform omnibus moves but slowly."The omnibus had many repercussions for society, particularly in that it encouraged urbanization. Socially, the omnibus put city-dwellers, even if for only half an hour, into previously-unheard-of physical intimacy with strangers, squeezing them together knee-to-knee (illustration, left). Only the very poor remained excluded. A new division in urban society now came to the fore, dividing those who kept carriages from those who did not. The idea of the "carriage trade", the folk who never set foot in the streets, who had goods brought out from the shops for their appraisal, has its origins in the omnibus crush.The omnibus also extended the reach of the North Atlantic post-Georgian, post-Federal city. The walk from the former village of Paddington to the business heart of London in the "City" was a brisk one for a young man in good condition. The omnibus offered the nearer suburbs more access to the inner city.More intense urbanization was to follow. Within a very few years, the New York omnibus had a rival in the streetcar: the first streetcar ran along The Bowery, which offered the excellent improvement in amenity of riding on smooth iron rails rather than clattering over granite setts, called "Belgian blocks". The new streetcars were financed by John Mason, a wealthy banker, and built by an Irish contractor, John Stephenson. The streetcars would become even more centrally important than the omnibus in the future of urbanization. The world's first motorized bus – a Benz truck modified by the Netphener Omnibusgesellschaft in Netphen, Germany (1895)When motorized transport proved successful after c. 1905, a motorized omnibus was for a time sometimes called an autobus.Buses began to replace streetcars in the U.S. because of a continuing series of technical improvements: pneumatic "balloon" tires during the early 1920s, monocoque body construction in 1931, automatic transmission in 1936, the diesel-engine bus in 1936, the first acceptable 50+ passenger bus in 1948, and the first buses with air suspension in 1953. [1]Bus services were a focal point in the American Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s in the United States. In the period after the American Civil War ended in 1865, racial segregation in public accommodations, including public transport such as rail and bus services, was enforced through Black Codes and Jim Crow laws. These were made to prevent African-Americans from doing things that a white person could do. For instance, Jim Crow laws required bus drivers to enforce separate seating sections. These laws and enforcement varied among communities and states. In 1955, after a long day of work, Rosa Parks, a black seamstress, was arrested in Montgomery, Alabama for refusing to give up her seat to a white man on a public bus, bringing attention to the injustice of differential and degrading treatment based solely upon race. This incident, boycotts of bus services, other protests, and court challenges led a U.S. Supreme Court ruling banning segregation on public buses and helped lead the U.S. Congress to pass the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act which clarified the unconstitutionality of public racial segregation laws. Mexican BusIn some areas of the United States, a forced busing system has been used to achieve racial desegregation of public schools. Under such a busing plan, children do not necessarily go to the nearest school geographically, but to such a public school in the same district where there is an appropriate mix of racial diversity.Types of bus service A typical bus-stop in Singapore.Buses are an intrinsic part of everyday life, and play an important part in the social fabric of many countries. Many urban public transportation systems rely on bus services. The largest single city bus fleet in North America is in New York City.Bus services can fit into several broad classes. Local transit buses provide public transit within a city or one or more counties, usually for trips of only a few Kilometers or tens of km. Intercity, interstate or interprovincial buses provide transit between cities, towns, rural areas and places usually tens or hundreds of kilometers away. They generally provide fewer bus stops than local bus routes do. Greyhound Bus Lines and Trailways Transportation System are examples of US interstate bus systems. Some local transit systems offer bus lines to nearby cities or towns served by another transit agency. Intercity bus services have become an important travel connection to smaller towns and rural areas that do not have airports or train service.Some public transit bus systems offer express bus service in addition to local bus lines. Local lines provide frequent stops along a route, sometimes two or more per Kilometer, while express lines make fewer stops and more speed along that route. For example, an express bus line may provide speedier service between a local airport and the downtown area of a nearby city.Shuttle bus service provide transit service between two destinations, such as an airport and city center. Shuttle bus services are often provided by colleges, airports, shopping areas, companies, and amusement destinations.Tour bus service shows tourists notable sights by bus. City tour buses often simply pass by the sites while a tour guide describes them. Longer distance tour coaches generally allow passengers to disembark at specific points of interest. Some tourist buses are decorated to resemble pre-PCC streetcars in order to attract tourists or for other appearance purposes. A similar phenomenon is Duck Tours, which uses amphibious DUKWs converted into buses/cruise boats for tour purposes.School bus service provides transit to and from school for students. Some private schools use school buses only for field trips or sports events. Some school systems, such as the San Francisco public school system, do not operate their own school bus system but instead rely on the local public transit bus system to provide transportation for the system.Charter bus operators, provide buses with properly licensed bus drivers for hire
