

Life is like a roller coaster, full of ups and downs. But no matter how hard it gets, never give up.

Believe in yourself and keep going. You will find that the sun will always shine after the storm.

Life is full of surprises, so don’t be afraid to take risks and explore the unknown.

You will find that life is full of beauty and joy. So don’t forget to smile and enjoy the ride.



Small animals(小动物)

Today Kitty and I go to the farm. We can see some small animals on the farm.


I like small animals. Look, this is a rabbit. It is white. It can jump.


This is a bird. It is small. It can sing and fly.


Look at the bee. It likes flowers.



I have a dream that one day all people around the world will be living in peace and harmony. That there will be no discrimination of any kind and people will be free to make their own choices and fulfill their life goals. We will all be united as one, undivided by language, culture or religion. We will be accepting and understanding of one another, supporting each other on this long journey to create a better tomorrow. Together, we can make the world a better and more peaceful place than ever before.
