修女也疯狂2歌曲歌词 修女也疯狂2歌曲在线听



Lauren Hill《Joyful, Joyful》



[Lauryn Hill]

Joyful, Joyful

Lord, we adore Thee

God of glory

Lord of love

Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee

Hail Thee as the sun above

Melt the clouds of sin and sadness

Drive the dark of doubt away

Giver of immortal gladness

Fill us with the light

Fill us with the light

Oh, fill us with the light of day……


Joyful, Joyful

Lord, we adore Thee

God of glory

Lord of love

Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee

Hail Thee as the sun above

Melt the clouds of sin, sin and sadness

Drive the dark of doubt away

Drive it away

Giver of immortal gladness

Fill us

Fill us with the light of day

Light of day!


(Check the rhyme)

Joyful, Joyful

Lord we adore Thee

An’ in my life

I put none before Thee

Cuz since I was a youngster

I came to know

That you was the only way to go

[switch rapper]

So I had to grow an’ come to an understandin’

That I’m down with the King so now I’m demandin’

That you tell me who you down with, see

Cuz all I know is that I’m down with G-O-D

You down with G-O-D?

(Yeah, you know me)

You down with G-O-D?

(Yeah, you know me)

You down with G-O-D?

(Yeah, you know me)

Who’s down with G-O-D?


[4 girls]

Come and join the chorus

The mighty, mighty chorus

Which the morning stars begun

The Father of love is reigning over us

[Lauryn Hill]

by the way


What have you done for Him lately?

Ooh, ooh, ooh yeah

What have you done for Him lately?

He watches over everything

So we sing

Joyful, Joyful

Lord, we adore Thee

God of glory

Lord of love

Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee

Hail Thee as the sun above

Melt the clouds of sin, sin and sadness

Drive the dark of doubt away

Drive it away

Giver of immortal gladness ([Lauryn Hill] won’t you)

Fill us ([Ryan Toby] Fill us with the light of day, Lord, fill us)

Fill us ([Ryan Toby] oh we need You, yes we do, fill us)

Fill us ([Ryan Toby] yeah…, oh, oh yeah)

Fill us ([3 guys] with the light of day, Lord)

([Lauryn Hill] We need you, come right away,

we need you, need you today, we need you,

I’m here to say fill us, fill us, fill us, fill us…)

Fill us with the light of day ([Lauryn Hill] oh, yeah)

Light of day!





詹妮弗-洛芙-海维特(Jennifer Love Hewitt)饰梅琳达-戈登(Melinda Gordon)

詹妮弗-洛芙-海维特曾先后出演《偷心人(Heartbreakers)》、《我知道你去年夏天做了什么I、II》、《加菲猫》、《燕尾服》和《修女也疯狂2》等多部好莱坞影片,最近还参与制作并主演了两部独立影片《爱情的真相(The Truth About Love)》和《如果可以……(If Only)》。

詹妮弗最初在荧屏上出名是始于红遍全美的获奖剧集《五口之家(Party of Five)》,值得一提的是,她还在电视电影《奥黛丽-赫本的故事》中重现了这位好莱坞历史上的传奇女影星。



因为 在人们的意识里“修女“是看破红尘,意冷心灰,平静如水,面如冷月的,和“疯狂”二字应该是不搭界,不沾边,无缘分的。这样相矛盾的,意外地结合更激起读者的好奇。再说电影的情节和故事也很有特色,很有诱惑力感染力的。





1992年3月21日,詹妮弗发行首张音乐专辑《Love Song》。1993年出演《修女也疯狂2》。1995年出演电视剧《五口之家》而成名。





1989年,詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特十岁出演电视剧《孩子公司》而出道。1992年3月21日,詹妮弗发行首张音乐专辑《Love Song》。1993年出演《修女也疯狂2》。1995年出演电视剧《五口之家》而成名。1997年,詹妮弗与莎拉·米歇尔·盖拉、瑞安·菲利普和小弗雷迪·普林兹一起主演恐怖电影《我知道你去年夏天干了什么》,该片续集《我仍然知道你去年夏天干了什么》依然由詹妮弗主演并于1998年11月13日上映。
