


●江天一传原文  (清)汪琬  江天一,字文石,徽州歙县人。少丧父,事其母,及抚弟天表,具有至性。尝语人曰:“士不立品者,必无文章。”前明崇祯间,县令傅岩奇其才,每试辄拔置第一。年三十六,始得补诸生。家贫屋败,躬畚土筑垣以居。覆瓦不完,盛暑则暴酷日中。雨至,淋漓蛇伏,或张敝盖自蔽。家人且怨且叹,而天一挟书吟诵自若也。  天一虽以文士知名,而深沉多智,尤为同郡金佥事公声所知。当是时,徽人多盗,天一方佐佥事公,用军法团结乡人子弟,为守御计。而会张献忠破武昌,总兵官左良玉东遁,麾下狼兵哗于途,所过焚掠。将抵徽,徽人震恐,佥事公谋往拒之,以委天一。天一腰刀帓首,黑夜跨马,率壮士驰数十里,与狼兵鏖战祁门,斩馘大半,悉夺其马牛器械,徽赖以安。  顺治二年,夏五月,江南已破,州县望风内附,而徽人犹为明拒守。六月,唐藩自立于福州,闻天一名,授监纪推官。先是,天一言于佥事公曰:“徽为形胜之地,诸县皆有阻隘可恃,而绩溪一面当孔道,其地独平迆,是宜筑关于此,多用兵据之,以与他县相犄角。”遂筑丛山关。已而清师攻绩溪,天一日夜援兵登陴,不少怠。间出逆战,所杀伤略相当。于是清师以少骑缀天一于绩溪,而别从新岭入,守岭者先溃,城遂陷。  大帅购天一甚急。天一知事不可为,遽归,嘱其母于天表,出门大呼:“我江天一也!”遂被执。有知天一者,欲释之。天一曰:“若以我畏死邪?我不死,祸且族矣。”遇佥事公于营门,公目之曰:“文石!女有老母在,不可死!”笑谢曰:“焉有与人共事而逃其难者乎?公幸勿为吾母虑也。”至江宁,总督者欲不问,天一昂首曰:“我为若计,若不如杀我;我不死,必复起兵!”遂牵诣通济门。既至,大呼高皇帝者三,南向再拜讫,坐而受刑。观者无不叹息泣下。越数日,天表往收其尸,瘗之。而佥事公亦于是日死矣。  当狼兵之被杀也,凤阳督马士英怒,疏劾徽人杀官军状,将致佥事公于死。天一为赍辨疏,诣阙上之;复作《吁天说》,流涕诉诸贵人,其事始得白。自兵兴以来,先后治乡兵三年,皆在佥事公幕。是时,幕中诸侠客号知兵者以百数,而公独推重天一,凡内外机事悉取决焉。其后竟与公同死。虽古义烈之士,无以尚也。予得其始末于翁君汉津,遂为之传。 江天一传译文编辑本段  江天一,字文石,徽州歙县人。小时候就死了父亲,侍奉他的母亲,和扶养弟弟天表,有着纯厚的本性。他曾经对别人说:“一个读书人,不树立好的道德品行,就必然没有好文章。”前朝明末崇祯年间,歙县县令傅岩认为他才学奇异,每次县里童生的岁试,总是选拔他为第一名。但到三十六岁,才补上一名生员。他家里很穷,房屋残破不堪,就自己动手用畚箕挑土筑墙而住。屋上盖的瓦片不齐全,大热天就暴晒在酷热的太阳中;下雨天,全身被雨淋得象蛇一样蜷伏着,有时张起破伞来遮挡一下。家里的人一面埋怨,一面叹息,然而天一却捧着书本朗读,和平常一样。   天一虽因为是文人而出名,但是却深刻沉着,足智多谋,特别受到同郡佥事金声的赏识。在那个时候,徽州一带盗匪很多,江天一便辅助佥事金声,用军队的办法团结组织乡里的年轻人,作好防守的打算。适逢张献忠攻破了武昌,总兵官左良玉向东逃跑,他部下那些广西土司的军队在半路上发生叛乱,所经过的地方放火抢劫。将要到达徽州时,徽州人非常震惊恐惧。佥事金声计议派兵去抵抗,把这件事委托给了天一。天一佩腰刀,裹头巾,黑夜里骑着马,率领一批勇士奔跑了几十里,与叛乱的广西土司军队在祁门进行激战,杀死了叛兵一大半人,夺取了他们所有的牛马和兵器,徽州城依赖这次战役而得以平安。   清顺治二年夏五月,江南已被清兵攻破,各州县见势纷纷归附清朝,但徽州人民还是为明王朝坚守抵抗。六月,明宗室唐王朱聿键在福州称帝,听说江天一的名声,便委任他为监纪推官。在此之前,天一对佥事金声说:“徽州是个地势优越的地方,各县都有险要之处可以依赖,只是绩溪那一面正当交通要道,那里地势特别平坦,因此应该在那里建筑关口,多派兵驻守,以和别的县相互配合,夹制敌人。”于是在绩溪筑起了丛山关。不久,清兵攻打绩溪,江天一日夜手持兵器登城防守,一点也不松懈。有时出城迎战,双方死伤大致不相上下。于是清兵用少数骑兵在绩溪牵制住江天一,而另外从新岭进攻。守岭的人先败逃了,绩溪城终于沦陷了。   清军的主将悬赏捉拿天一非常急迫。江天一知道抗清之事已没有希望,就立即回家,把母亲托付给弟弟天表,出门大叫:“我就是江天一!”于是被逮捕。清军中有知道天一的,想释放他。天一说:“你以为我怕死吗?我不死,灾祸将是全家被杀!”在营门口遇见了佥事金声,金声看着他说:“文石,你还有老母亲在,你不能死。”江天一笑着辞谢道:“哪里有和人一起共事而在危难时刻逃避的呢?希望你不要为我的母亲担忧。”到了南京,总督洪承畴想不问罪,江天一昂起头来说:“我为你考虑,还是把我杀了的好;我不死,必定再要起兵!”于是把他拖到通济门刑场。到了那里,江天一高呼“高皇帝”三遍,向南面一拜再拜,拜完,坐下来受刑。围观的人没有一个不感叹流泪的。过了几天,天表去收殓天一的尸体,把他安葬了。而佥事金声也是在这一天被杀害的。   当广西土司的叛兵被江天一杀伤之后,凤阳总督马士英非常恼怒,向皇帝上奏章揭发徽州人拦杀官军的罪状,想致佥事金声于死地。江天一为此带着申辨金声无罪的奏章,赴朝廷递呈上;又写了《吁天说》,流着眼泪向掌权大臣申诉,这件事情才得以弄清楚。自从清兵与明王朝开战以来,前后训练乡兵三年,都在佥事金声的幕府中。当时,幕府中众多侠义之士号称精通兵法的有上百人,而金声只是推重天一,凡对内对外的机密大事,都取决于天一。后来天一竟然与金声同时牺牲。象天一这样的人,即便是古代义烈之士,也没有能超过他的。我是在翁汉津那里得知江天一的生平事迹的,于是替他写了这篇传记。   汪琬说:正当前朝的末期,新安的士大夫尽忠而死的有汪伟、凌駉与金声三人,而只有江天一是以生员的身份为国殉难的。我听说江天一游经淮安,淮安有个姓冯的民妇,割下自己的肝脏救活了她的婆婆,江天一得知后便请了许多有名的人写诗作文来表彰她,还想上奏章给朝廷,最后没有成功。这个人喜欢奇特、崇尚气节大致就象这样。天一本来名景,另外还自号“石嫁樵夫”,这也是翁汉津说的。 作者简介编辑本段  汪琬(1624~1691) 清初散文家。字苕文,号钝庵,晚年隐居太湖尧峰山,学者称尧峰先生。长洲(今江苏苏州)人。顺治十二年(1655)进士,曾任户部主事、刑部郎中等。后因病辞官归家。康熙十八年(1679),召试博学鸿词科,授翰林院编修,预修《明史》,在馆60余日,后乞病归。  汪琬与侯方域、魏禧合称清初散文"三大家"。他的散文疏畅条达。他主张才气要归于节制,以呼应开阖,操纵顿挫,避免散乱。所谓"扬之欲其高,敛之欲其深"(《答陈霭公书二》)。他反对"以小说为古文辞",认为"既非雅驯,则其归也,亦流于俗学而已矣"(《跋王于一遗集》)。这种观点,偏于正统。他的文风,一般论者认为受欧阳修的影响,而近于南宋诸家。计东为作《生圹志》,则以为"若其文章,溯宋而唐。明理卓绝,似李习之(翱);简洁有气,似柳子厚(宗元)"。《陈处士墓表》、《尧峰山庄记》、《绮里诗选序》、《江天一传》《书沈通明事》等文是其代表作。  汪琬亦能诗,以清丽为宗,成就及影响不如其文。 著有《钝翁类稿》62卷,《续稿》56卷。晚年自删为《尧峰文抄》50卷,包括诗10卷、文40卷。 注释编辑本段  江天一传①  江天一,字文石,徽州歙县人②。少丧父,事其母,及抚弟天表,具有至性③。尝语④人曰:“士不立品者⑤,必无文章。”前明崇祯间,县令傅岩奇其才⑤,每试辄拔置第一⑥。年三十六,始得补诸生⑦。家贫屋败⑧,躬畚土筑垣以居⑨。覆瓦不完,盛暑则暴酷日中⑩。雨至,淋漓蛇伏(11),或张敝盖自蔽(12)。家人且怨且叹,而天一挟书吟诵自若也(13)。  天一虽以文士知名,而深沉多智,尤为同郡金佥事公声所知(14)。当是时,徽人多盗,天一方佐佥事公,用军法团结乡人子弟,为守御计(15)。而会张献忠破武昌(16),总兵官左良玉东遁(17),麾下狼兵详于途(18),所过焚掠。将抵徽,徽人震恐,佥事公谋往拒之,以委天一。天一腰刀□首(19),黑夜跨马,率壮士驰数十里,与狼兵鏖战于祁门,斩馘大半(20),悉夺其马牛器械,徽赖以安。  顺治二年夏五月,江南大乱(21),州县望风内附(22),而徽人犹为明拒守。六月,唐藩自立于福州(23),闻天一名,授监纪推官(24)。先是,天一言于佥事公曰:“徽为形胜之地(25),诸县皆有阻隘可恃(26),而绩溪一面当孔道(27),其他独平迤(28),是宜筑关于此,多用兵据之,以与他县相犄角(29)。”遂筑丛山关(30)。已而清师攻绩溪(31),天一日夜援兵登陴不少怠(32),间出逆战(33),所杀伤略相当。于是,清师以少骑缀天一于绩溪(34),而别从新岭入(35),守岭者先溃,城遂陷。  大帅购天一甚急(36)。天一知事不可为,遽归,嘱其母于天表(37),出门大呼:“我江天一也。”遂被执。有知天一者(38),欲释之,天一曰:“若以我畏死也(39)?我不死,祸且族矣(40)。”遇佥事公于营门,公目之曰:“文石,女有老母在(41),不可死。”笑谢曰:“焉有与人共事而逃其难者乎(42)?公幸勿为我母虑也(43)。”至江宁(44),总督者欲不问(45),天一昂首曰:“我为若计,若不如杀我;我不死,必复起兵。”遂牵诣通济门(46)。既至,大呼高皇帝者三(47),南向再拜讫,坐而受刑。观者无不叹息泣下。越数日,天表往收其尸,瘗之(48)。而佥事公亦于是日死矣。  当狼兵之被杀也,凤阳督马士英怒(49),疏劾徽人杀官军状(50),将致佥事公于死。天一为赍辨疏(51),诣阙上之(52),复作《吁天说》(53),流涕诉诸贵人(54),其事始得白(55)。自兵兴以来,先后治乡兵三年,皆在佥事公幕。是时幕中诸侠客号知兵者以百数(56),而公独推重天一,凡内外机事悉取决焉。其后竟与公同死,虽古义烈之士无以尚之(57)。  汪琬曰:方胜国之末(58),新安士大夫死忠者(59),有汪公伟、凌公駉与佥事公三人(60),而天一独以诸生殉国。予闻天一游淮安,淮安民妇冯氏者,刲肝活其姑(61),天一征诸名士作诗文表章之(62),欲疏于朝,不果。盖其人好奇尚气类如此(63)。天一本名景,别自号石稼樵夫,翁君汉津云。  注释注释⑴作者为明清鼎革之际抗清义士江天一立传,重点叙其智谋和失败被执、慷慨就义的经过,以顺叙为主,间用补叙、插叙,有详有略,笔法灵活有致。  ⑵徽州:清代徽州府,辖歙(shè设)县、休宁、祁门、绩溪等六县,府治在歙县。  ⑶具:通“俱”。至性:善良天性,指孝顺父母、友爱兄弟。  ⑷立品:树立良好品德。语;对……说  ⑸傅岩:字野清,浙江义乌人,崇祯初年进士,授歙县令,官至监察御史。  ⑹试:指童生岁试。  ⑺补诸生:考取秀才,成为县学生员。⑧败:破、坏。  ⑻躬畚(běn本)土筑垣:亲自取土筑墙。畚,竹制或木制撮土工具。此作动词用。  ⑼暴(pù铺):通“曝”,晒。  ⑽蛇伏:像蛇一样蜷伏着。  ⑾敝盖:破伞。  ⑿自若:自如,像平常一样。  ⒀金佥事:金声,字正希,休宁人,崇祯间进士,授庶吉士,辞归,后授山东佥事,未就。清兵南下,于家乡起兵守御,相持累月,失败被俘,被杀于南京。休宁与歙县同属徽州府,故称“同郡”。知:赏识。  ⒁为守御计:作防御的打算。(16)会:逢、遇。张献忠:农民起义军领袖。他率军破武昌,时在明崇祯十六年(1643)五月。  ⒂左良玉:明末为总兵,驻军武昌,崇祯十六年以缺粮就食为名,移兵九江,沿途掳掠。事载《明史》本传。然《明史》、温睿临《南疆逸史》两书《金声传》,谓金声率徽州民击破的是凤阳总督马士英的黔军。此传所记,可能是传闻之误。  ⒃狼兵:以广西东兰、那地、南丹等地人组成的军队。该地少数民族强悍善斗,历史上称狼人,亦作俍人。明后期,该地土司兵可由朝廷调用,世称狼兵。(参看《明史·兵志三》、清陆次云《洞溪纤志·狼人》)□:同“哗”,哗变之省文,指军队叛乱。  ⒄□(mò末)首:以巾裹头。□,头巾。  ⒅斩馘(guó国):杀死杀伤。馘,原意为作战时割下所杀敌人的左耳,用以计功。《诗经·鲁颂·泮水》:“在泮献馘。”郑玄笺:“馘,所格者之左耳。”(21)江南大乱:指清兵渡江,南京弘光小王朝覆灭。  ⒆内附:归附本方,指降清。汪琬为清朝官员,故如此说。  ⒇唐藩:明唐王朱聿键。弘光王朝覆灭后,原礼部尚书黄道周等在福州拥立唐王为帝,改元隆武。古代称分封各地之王为藩王。朱聿键八世祖为朱元璋第二十二子,分封于南阳,藩号为唐。  (21)监纪推官:明代无此官名。推官为府级掌刑狱的官。当时,唐王政权遥授金声为右都御史、兵部左侍郎、提督南直军务。这里所谓“监纪推官”,当为其属下掌监察司法之官职。  (22)形胜之地:地势险要的地方。《史记·高祖本纪》:“秦形胜之国。”裴骃集解引张晏曰:“秦地带山河,得形势之胜便也。”(26)阻隘:险阻要隘。  (23)孔道:通道。  (24)平迤(yí夷):平坦。  (25)相犄(jī机)角:相互牵制,攻击敌方。《左传·襄公十四年》:“譬如捕鹿,晋人角之,诸戎犄之。”犄,捉住脚;角,抓住角。后遂以“犄角”喻从不同方向辖制、攻击敌人。  (26)丛山关:在绩溪县北。  (27)已而:不久。  (28)援兵:引兵。陴(pí皮):城上矮墙,也叫女墙。  (29)逆战:迎战。  (30)少骑:少数骑兵。骑,一兵一马之合称。缀:牵制。  (31)新岭:在休宁县南。  (32)大帅:指清派往攻击金声义军的总兵张天禄。购:悬赏捉拿。  (33)嘱:托付。  (34)知天一者:指知道江天一之为人的清官兵。(39)若:你。  (35)祸且族:将遭灭族之祸。族,灭族。《书经·泰誓上》:“罪人以族。”孔安国传:“一人有罪,刑及父母兄弟妻子。”  (36)女:通“汝”(42)焉:哪里。逃其难:指遇难而逃。  (37)幸:敬词。  (38)江宁:清顺治二年(1645),改南京应天府为江宁府,今南京。  (39)总督:指洪承畴。洪承畴原为明三边总督,被俘降清,顺治二年,以内阁学士、兵部尚书总督军务,招抚江南各省。不问:不问罪。  (40)通济门:南京城南面偏西之门,当时为刑场。  (41)高皇帝:明太祖朱元璋谥号。  (42)瘗(yì意):埋葬。  (43)马士英:明天启间进士,崇祯末官兵部侍郎,总督庐州凤阳道军务,曾遣使者征调贵州兵抵抗农民军。  (44)疏劾:上疏弹劾。状:情状、罪状。  (45)贲(jī机):携带。  (46)诣阙:到朝廷上。  (47)《吁天说》:传主所写的说明真相的文字。吁天,向天呼吁。  (48)贵人:指朝廷中权贵。  (49)白:澄清冤诬。  (50)号知兵者:号称懂兵法之人。  (51)无以尚之:没有人超过他。尚,通“上”。  (52)胜国:已亡之国。《周礼·地官·媒氏》:“凡男女之阴讼,听之于胜国之社。”郑玄注:“胜国,亡国也。”谓为今国所胜之国。此指明朝。(59)新安:古新安郡,即徽州。死忠者:为国家而死者。  (53)汪公伟:汪伟,休宁人,崇祯末官翰林院检讨,李自成破北京,自缢死。凌公駉(jiōng,迥平声):凌駉,休宁人,崇祯末官兵部主事;弘光朝,巡抚河南,守归德,清兵破城,自缢死。  (54)刲(kuī亏)肝活其母:割下自己之肝为药,治好婆母之病。此显然是不经之传说。  (55)征:征集。表章:表彰。章,通“彰”。  (56)好奇尚气:喜做非常之事,崇尚气节。类如此:如同这样。  赏析  表现了江天一不计贫贱的秉性以及为读书为乐的超然心态。



老男孩之猛龙过江天使之声制片人和王小帅上床前唱了一句歌? iloveyoubaby 翻译是

●第一世的话就是现代开头,女问男我漂亮么,男人回答也就那样,然后女子去整容,整容前许下愿望结果失败了。 ps:女子每许下个愿望会经历一世并且不丢失回忆,而男子会丢失回忆。 第二世是伊甸园,蛇诱惑夏娃吃下苹果,亚当没能阻止他,夏娃吃下苹果后告诉亚当很好吃,亚当没经受住诱惑也吃下了苹果然后记起了前世也就是开头。

江天一传(节选) 汪琬 江天一,字文石,徽州歙县人。少丧父,事其母及抚弟天表,具有至性。

问题补充:江天一传(节选) 汪琬 江天一,字文石,徽州歙县人。少丧父,事其母及抚弟天表,具有至性。尝语人曰:“士不立品者,必无文章。”前明崇祯间,县令傅岩奇其才,每试辄拔置第一。年三十六,始得补诸生。家贫屋败,躬畚土筑垣以居。覆瓦不完,盛暑则暴酷日中。雨至,淋漓蛇伏,或张敝盖自蔽。家人且怨且叹,而天一挟书吟诵自若也。 1、解释划线的字。 尝 语 人曰( ) 士 不立品者( ) 县令傅岩 奇 其才( ) 盛暑 则 暴酷日中( ) 2、翻译句子。(1)覆瓦不完,盛暑则暴酷日中。 ____________________________________________________________(2)县令傅岩奇其才,每试辄拔置第一。 ____________________________________________________________3、请用自己的语言写出本文是如何表现江天一酷爱读书的。 _______________________________________________________________________________4、请结合陶渊明其人和你读过的他的诗文,谈谈对“士不立品者,必无文章”这两句话的理解。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________
●1、告诉;读书人;认为……奇异;就2、(1)屋上盖的瓦片不齐全,大热天就暴晒在酷热的太阳中。 (2)歙县县令傅岩认为他才学奇异,每次县里童生的岁试,总是选拔他为第一名。(重点词语翻译到位,意对即可)3、围绕“屋漏,日晒雨淋,读书自若”或“家人埋怨环境艰苦,读书自若”回答皆可。 4、结合陶渊明品行高洁、安贫乐道和他的诗文流传千古、影响深远,围绕“读书人若无高洁品格,一定不会写出好作品”回答即可。(开放性试题,不设统一答案)


●您要找的是不是:江天一传 江天一传原文 (清)汪琬 江天一,字文石,徽州歙县人。少丧父,事其母,及抚弟天表,具有至性。尝语人曰:“士不立品者,必无文章。”前明崇祯间,县令傅岩奇其才,每试辄拔置第一。年三十六,始得补诸生。家贫屋败,躬畚土筑垣以居。覆瓦不完,盛暑则暴酷日中。雨至,淋漓蛇伏,或张敝盖自蔽。家人且怨且叹,而天一挟书吟诵自若也。 天一虽以文士知名,而深沉多智,尤为同郡金佥事公声所知。当是时,徽人多盗,天一方佐佥事公,用军法团结乡人子弟,为守御计。而会张献忠破武昌,总兵官左良玉东遁,麾下狼兵哗于途,所过焚掠。将抵徽,徽人震恐,佥事公谋往拒之,以委天一。天一腰刀帓首,黑夜跨马,率壮士驰数十里,与狼兵鏖战祁门,斩馘大半,悉夺其马牛器械,徽赖以安。 顺治二年,夏五月,江南已破,州县望风内附,而徽人犹为明拒守。六月,唐藩自立于福州,闻天一名,授监纪推官。先是,天一言于佥事公曰:“徽为形胜之地,诸县皆有阻隘可恃,而绩溪一面当孔道,其地独平迆,是宜筑关于此,多用兵据之,以与他县相犄角。”遂筑丛山关。已而清师攻绩溪,天一日夜援兵登陴,不少怠。间出逆战,所杀伤略相当。于是清师以少骑缀天一于绩溪,而别从新岭入,守岭者先溃,城遂陷。 大帅购天一甚急。天一知事不可为,遽归,嘱其母于天表,出门大呼:“我江天一也!”遂被执。有知天一者,欲释之。天一曰:“若以我畏死邪?我不死,祸且族矣。”遇佥事公于营门,公目之曰:“文石!女有老母在,不可死!”笑谢曰:“焉有与人共事而逃其难者乎?公幸勿为吾母虑也。”至江宁,总督者欲不问,天一昂首曰:“我为若计,若不如杀我;我不死,必复起兵!”遂牵诣通济门。既至,大呼高皇帝者三,南向再拜讫,坐而受刑。观者无不叹息泣下。越数日,天表往收其尸,瘗之。而佥事公亦于是日死矣。 当狼兵之被杀也,凤阳督马士英怒,疏劾徽人杀官军状,将致佥事公于死。天一为赍辨疏,诣阙上之;复作《吁天说》,流涕诉诸贵人,其事始得白。自兵兴以来,先后治乡兵三年,皆在佥事公幕。是时,幕中诸侠客号知兵者以百数,而公独推重天一,凡内外机事悉取决焉。其后竟与公同死。虽古义烈之士,无以尚也。予得其始末于翁君汉津,遂为之传。 [编辑本段]江天一传译文 江天一,字文石,徽州歙县人。小时候就死了父亲,侍奉他的母亲,和扶养弟弟天表,有着纯厚的本性。他曾经对别人说:“一个读书人,不树立好的道德品行,就必然没有好文章。”前朝明末崇祯年间,歙县县令傅岩认为他才学奇异,每次县里童生的岁试,总是选拔他为第一名。但到三十六岁,才补上一名生员。他家里很穷,房屋残破不堪,就自己动手用畚箕挑土筑墙而住。屋上盖的瓦片不齐全,大热天就暴晒在酷热的太阳中;下雨天,全身被雨淋得象蛇一样蜷伏着,有时张起破伞来遮挡一下。家里的人一面埋怨,一面叹息,然而天一却捧着书本朗读,和平常一样。 天一虽因为是文人而出名,但是却深刻沉着,足智多谋,特别受到同郡佥事金声的赏识。在那个时候,徽州一带盗匪很多,江天一便辅助佥事金声,用军队的办法团结组织乡里的年轻人,作好防守的打算。适逢张献忠攻破了武昌,总兵官左良玉向东逃跑,他部下那些广西土司的军队在半路上发生叛乱,所经过的地方放火抢劫。将要到达徽州时,徽州人非常震惊恐惧。佥事金声计议派兵去抵抗,把这件事委托给了天一。天一佩腰刀,裹头巾,黑夜里骑着马,率领一批勇士奔跑了几十里,与叛乱的广西土司军队在祁门进行激战,杀死了叛兵一大半人,夺取了他们所有的牛马和兵器,徽州城依赖这次战役而得以平安。 清顺治二年夏五月,江南已被清兵攻破,各州县见势纷纷归附清朝,但徽州人民还是为明王朝坚守抵抗。六月,明宗室唐王朱聿键在福州称帝,听说江天一的名声,便委任他为监纪推官。在此之前,天一对佥事金声说:“徽州是个地势优越的地方,各县都有险要之处可以依赖,只是绩溪那一面正当交通要道,那里地势特别平坦,因此应该在那里建筑关口,多派兵驻守,以和别的县相互配合,夹制敌人。”于是在绩溪筑起了丛山关。不久,清兵攻打绩溪,江天一日夜手持兵器登城防守,一点也不松懈。有时出城迎战,双方死伤大致不相上下。于是清兵用少数骑兵在绩溪牵制住江天一,而另外从新岭进攻。守岭的人先败逃了,绩溪城终于沦陷了。 清军的主将悬赏捉拿天一非常急迫。江天一知道抗清之事已没有希望,就立即回家,把母亲托付给弟弟天表,出门大叫:“我就是江天一!”于是被逮捕。清军中有知道天一的,想释放他。天一说:“你以为我怕死吗?我不死,灾祸将是全家被杀!”在营门口遇见了佥事金声,金声看着他说:“文石,你还有老母亲在,你不能死。”江天一笑着辞谢道:“哪里有和人一起共事而在危难时刻逃避的呢?希望你不要为我的母亲担忧。”到了南京,总督洪承畴想不问罪,江天一昂起头来说:“我为你考虑,还是把我杀了的好;我不死,必定再要起兵!”于是把他拖到通济门刑场。到了那里,江天一高呼“高皇帝”三遍,向南面一拜再拜,拜完,坐下来受刑。围观的人没有一个不感叹流泪的。过了几天,天表去收殓天一的尸体,把他安葬了。而佥事金声也是在这一天被杀害的。 当广西土司的叛兵被江天一杀伤之后,凤阳总督马士英非常恼怒,向皇帝上奏章揭发徽州人拦杀官军的罪状,想致佥事金声于死地。江天一为此带着申辨金声无罪的奏章,赴朝廷递呈上;又写了《吁天说》,流着眼泪向掌权大臣申诉,这件事情才得以弄清楚。自从清兵与明王朝开战以来,前后训练乡兵三年,都在佥事金声的幕府中。当时,幕府中众多侠义之士号称精通兵法的有上百人,而金声只是推重天一,凡对内对外的机密大事,都取决于天一。后来天一竟然与金声同时牺牲。象天一这样的人,即便是古代义烈之士,也没有能超过他的。我是在翁汉津那里得知江天一的生平事迹的,于是替他写了这篇传记。 汪琬说:正当前朝的末期,新安的士大夫尽忠而死的有汪伟、凌駉与金声三人,而只有江天一是以生员的身份为国殉难的。我听说江天一游经淮安,淮安有个姓冯的民妇,割下自己的肝脏救活了她的婆婆,江天一得知后便请了许多有名的人写诗作文来表彰她,还想上奏章给朝廷,最后没有成功。这个人喜欢奇特、崇尚气节大致就象这样。天一本来名景,另外还自号“石嫁樵夫”,这也是翁汉津说的。


●France , officially French Republic, republic (2005 est. pop. 60,656,000), 211,207 sq mi (547,026 sq km), W Europe. France is bordered by the English Channel (N), the Atlantic Ocean and the Bay of Biscay (W), Spain and Andorra (SW), the Mediterranean Sea (S), Switzerland and Italy (SE), and Germany, Luxembourg, and Belgium (NE). The natural land frontiers are the Pyrenees, along the border with Spain; the Jura Mts. and the Alps, along the border with Switzerland and Italy; and the Rhine River, which is part of the border with Germany. France's capital and largest city is Paris .LandAlthough France's old historic provinces were abolished by the Revolution, they remain the country's basic geographic, cultural, and economic divisions. These provinces mirror France's natural geographic regions and, despite modern administrative centralization, retain their striking diversity. The heart of France N of the Loire River is the province of ?le-de-France, which occupies the greater part of the Paris basin, a fertile depression drained by the Seine and Marne rivers. The basin is surrounded by the provinces of Champagne and Lorraine in the east; Artois , Picardy, French Flanders (see Nord dept.), and Normandy in the northeast and north; Brittany, Maine , and Anjou in the west; and Touraine , Orléanais , Nivernais , and Burgundy in the south. Further south are Berry and Bourbonnais . Further east, between the Vosges Mts. and the Rhine, is Alsace; S of Alsace, along the Jura, is Franche-Comté.South-central France is occupied by the rugged mountains of the Massif Central, one of the country's major natural features. It comprises the provinces of Marche , Limousin, Auvergne, and Lyonnais . To the E of the Rh?ne River, which divides the Massif Central from the Alps, are Savoy , Dauphiné , and Provence . The French Alps have some of the highest peaks in Europe, including Mont Blanc. The Rh?ne valley widens into a plain near its delta on the Mediterranean; part of the coast of Provence forms the celebrated French Riviera . Languedoc extends from the Cevennes Mts. to the Mediterranean coast W of the Rh?ne. Corsica lies off the Mediterranean coast. The southwestern part of France comprises the small Pyrenean provinces of Roussillon , Foix , Béarn , and French Navarre and the vast provinces of Gascony and Guienne . The last two constitute the great Aquitanian plain, drained by the Garonne and Dordogne rivers, which flow into the Bay of Biscay. The central section of the west coast, between the Gironde estuary and the Loire, is occupied by the provinces of Saintonge , Angoumois , Aunis , and Poitou .Since 1972 France has been administratively divided into 22 regions, many of which correspond to the nation's historical provinces. These regions are: Alsace , Aquitane, Auvergne , Basse-Normandie, Bourgogne ( Burgundy ), Bretagne ( Brittany ), Centre, Champagne-Ardenne, Corse ( Corsica ), Franche-Comté , Haute-Normandie, ?le-de-France , Languedoc-Roussillon, Limousin , Lorraine , Midi-Pyrenees, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Pays de la Loire, Picardie ( Picardy ), Poitou-Charentes, Provence-Alpes-C?te d'Azur, and Rhone-Alpes.France also has a number of overseas departments, territories, and countries which, legally, are part of the French Republic. The overseas departments are Martinique , Guadeloupe , Réunion , and French Guiana . The overseas countries and territories are New Caledonia , French Polynesia , Wallis and Futuna Islands , and the French Southern and Antarctic Territories. Mayotte is a departmental collectivity, and St. Pierre and Miquelon is a territorial collectivity.PeopleAbout 75% of the population live in urban areas. Until the end of World War II the population increase in France was perhaps the lowest in Europe, but in postwar decades the rate has increased. The mingling of peoples over the centuries as well as immigration in the 20th cent. has given France great ethnic diversity. A large influx of predominantly North African immigrants has had a great effect on the cities, especially Paris and Marseille.French is the nation's language. There are also a number of regional dialects, which are largely declining in usage. Alsatian, a German dialect, is spoken in Alsace and in parts of Lorraine. A small number speak Flemish, a Dutch dialect, in French Flanders. In Celtic Brittany, Breton is still spoken, as is Basque in the Bayonne region, Proven?al in Provence, Catalan at the eastern end of the Pyrenees, and Corsican on the island of Corsica.Roman Catholicism is by far the largest religion in France, nominally professed by about 85% of the population, although only an estimated 5% are churchgoers. With growing immigration from Asia, Turkey, and North Africa, France also has a large Muslim population, estimated at 3 to 5 million. There are smaller numbers of Protestants and Jews. Separation of church and state was made final by law in 1905.EconomyFrance is one of the world's major economic powers. Agriculture plays a larger role than in the economies of most other industrial countries. A large proportion of the value of total agricultural output derives from livestock (especially cattle, hogs, poultry, and sheep). The mountain areas and NW France are the livestock regions. The country's leading crops are wheat, sugar beets, corn, barley, and potatoes, with the most intensive cultivation N of the Loire; the soil in the Central Massif is less fertile. Fruit growing is important in the south. France is among the foremost producers of wine in the world. The best-known vineyards are in Burgundy, Champagne, the Rh?ne and Loire valleys, and the Bordeaux region. The centers of the wine trade are Bordeaux, Reims , épernay , Dijon , and Cognac .France's leading industries produce machinery, chemicals, automobiles, metals, aircraft, electronics equipment, textiles, and foods (especially cheeses). Advanced technology industries are also important. Coal, iron ore, bauxite, and other minerals are mined. Tourism is an important industry, and Paris is famous for its luxury goods. Nuclear energy furnishes 75% of all electricity produced in France. In addition to the Paris area, important industrial cities are, in the northeast, Metz , Strasbourg , Roubaix , and Lille ; in the southeast, Lyons , Saint-étienne , Clermont-Ferrand , and Grenoble ; in the south, Marseilles , Toulouse , Nice , and N?mes ; and in the west, Bordeaux and Nantes . Other important cities are Orléans , Tours , Troyes , and Arles .France has an extensive railway system, the Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Fran?ais (SNCF). The first of a number of high-speed rail lines (TGVs) was completed in 1983, linking Paris and Lyons. Subsequent lines connected Paris to several other French cities, as well as Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, and, via the Channel Tunnel , Great Britain.The government previously had majority ownership in many commercial banks, some key industries, and various utilities, including the telephone system. There has been recent movement toward privatization, with the government reducing its holdings in many companies, although it still controls energy production, public transportation, and defense industries.Leading exports are machinery and transportation equipment, aircraft, plastics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, iron and steel, and beverages. Leading imports are machinery and equipment, vehicles, crude oil, aircraft, plastics, and chemicals. Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, and the United States are the main trading partners. The chief ports are Rouen , Le Havre , Cherbourg , Brest , Saint-Nazaire , Nantes, Bordeaux, Toulon , Dunkirk , and Marseilles.GovernmentSince the Revolution of 1789, France has had an extremely uniform and centralized administration, although constitutional changes in 2003 now permit greater autonomy to the nation's regions and departments. The country is governed under the 1958 constitution (as amended), which established the Fifth French Republic and reflected the views of Charles de Gaulle . It provides for a strong president, directly elected for a five-year term (changes in 2000 and 2008 reduced the term from seven years and limited a person to two terms as president). A premier and cabinet, appointed by the president, are responsible to the National Assembly, but they are subordinate to the president. The bicameral legislature consists of the National Assembly and the Senate. Deputies to the 577-seat National Assembly are elected for five-year terms from single-member districts. The 331 Senators are elected for nine-year terms from each department by an electoral college composed of the deputies, district council members, and municipal council members from the department.France's 22 administrative regions (see above under Land ) each have a directly elected regional council, primarily responsible for stimulating economic and social activity. The regions are further divided into 96 departments (not including the four overseas departments), which are governed by a locally elected general council, with one councilor per canton. Further subdivisions are districts ( arrondisements ), cantons, and communes. The districts and cantons have little power. The communes, however, are more powerful because they are responsible for municipal services and are represented in the national government by the mayor.HistoryAncient Gaul to FeudalismSome of the earliest anthropological and archaeological remains in Europe have been found in France, yet little is known of France before the Roman conquest (1st cent. BC). The country was known to the Romans as Gaul . It was inhabited largely by Celts , or Gauls, who had mingled with still older populations, and by Basques in what became the region of Gascony. Some of the Gallic tribes undoubtedly were Germanic. Settlements on the Mediterranean coast, notably Marseilles, were established by Greek and Phoenician traders (c.600 BC), and Provence was colonized by Rome in the 2d cent. BC The conquest of Gaul by Julius Caesar (58-51 BC; see Gallic Wars ) became final with the defeat of Vercingetorix . Early in the course of the following five centuries of Roman rule Gaul accepted Latin speech and Roman law, developed a distinct Gallo-Roman civilization, and produced many large and prosperous cities. Lugdunum (Lyons) was the Roman capital.Christianity, introduced in the 1st cent. AD, spread rapidly. From the 3d cent., however, the internal decline of the Roman Empire invited barbarian incursions. Among the Germanic tribes that descended upon fertile Gaul, the Visigoths , Franks , and Burgundii were the most important. Rome and its governors in Gaul sought, by alliances, to play the barbarians off against each other. Thus Aetius defeated (AD 451) the Huns under Attila with the help of the Franks. But in 486 (10 years after the traditional date for the fall of Rome) the Franks, under Clovis I , routed Syagrius, last Roman governor of Gaul. Clovis, who had made himself ruler of all the Franks, then defeated the Visigoths and, after accepting Christianity (496), conquered the Alemanni. He extinguished the Arian heresy (see Arianism ) and founded the dynasty of the Merovingians —but he failed to provide for the unity of Gaul when, as was customary, he divided his lands among his sons at his death.Throughout the 6th and 7th cent., Gaul was torn by fratricidal strife between the Merovingian kings of Neustria and of Austrasia , the two realms that ultimately emerged from Clovis's division and were united only for brief periods under a sole ruler. Especially after Dagobert I (d. 639), Merovingian rule sank into indolence, cruelty, and dissipation. Gaul was depopulated, the cities were left in ruins, commerce was destroyed, and the arts and sciences were ignored. In the 8th cent. the only remnant of Roman civilization, the church, was threatened by extinction when the Saracens invaded Gaul.In the meantime a more rigorous dynasty, the Carolingians , had come to rule Austrasia as mayors of the palace in the name of the decadent Merovingian kings, and had united (687) Austrasia with Neustria. In 732, the Carolingian Charles Martel decisively defeated the Saracens between Poitiers and Tours. His son, Pepin the Short , dethroned the last Merovingian in 751 and proclaimed himself king with the sanction of the pope. Pepin's son was Charlemagne .Crowned emperor of the West in 800, Charlemagne expanded his lands by conquest. He gave his subjects an efficient administration, created an admirable legal system, and labored for the rebirth of learning, piety, and the arts. But his son, Emperor Louis I , could not maintain the empire he inherited. At Louis's death (840), his three sons were fighting each other. In 843 the brothers, Charles II (Charles the Bald), king of the West Franks, Louis the German , and Emperor Lothair I , redivided their territories (see Verdun, Treaty of ). Charles was recognized as the ruler of the lands that are now France.The Carolingians had only superficially transcended the economic, social, and political fragmentation of the land. The weakness of central authority was a major reason for the development of feudalism and the manorial system . Raids by Norsemen , beginning in the late 8th cent., contributed to the decline of royal authority; in 885-86, the Norsemen even besieged Paris. The authority of the kings was increasingly usurped by feudal lords. Among the most powerful of these were the dukes of Aquitaine and of Burgundy and the counts of Flanders , of Toulouse, of Blois , and of Anjou. In 911 the Norse leader Rollo was recognized as duke of Normandy.The Birth of FranceWhen the Carolingian dynasty died out in France, the nobles chose (987) Hugh Capet as king. It is from this date that the history of France as a separate kingdom is generally reckoned (see table entitled Rulers of France since 987 for a listing of the kings of France and subsequent French leaders). The early Capetians were dukes of Francia, a small territory around Paris, and were without power in the rest of France. By unremitting effort they gradually extended their domain, razed the castles of robber barons, and held their own against the great feudatories. Louis VI (reigned 1108-37) brought this process into full force, and it was continued by Louis VII (1137-80).In the 11th cent. the towns had begun regaining population and wealth. Drawing together for their common defense (see commune ), the townspeople won increasingly advantageous charters from the king and from their feudal lords. Commerce revived, and the great fairs of Champagne made France a meeting place for European merchants. The Cluniac order and the revival of theological learning at Paris (which was to make the Sorbonne the fountainhead of scholasticism ) gave France tremendous prestige in Christendom. This rebirth reached its height in the 13th cent. and was aided by the leading role that France played in the Crusades . The crusaders established the French ideal of chivalry—personified in Louis IX (St. Louis)—in most of Europe. French courtly poetry and manners became European models.In England, French manners and culture also predominated among the nobles because of the Norman Conquest (1066). The fact that the Norman English kings were also French nobles, holding or claiming vast fiefs in France, brought the two nations into centuries of conflict. When Henry II , king of England and duke of Normandy, married (1152) Eleanor of Aquitaine , the divorced wife of Louis VII of France, Eleanor brought as her dowry extensive areas in France. Louis's successor, Philip II (Philip Augustus; 1180-1223), clashed repeatedly with Henry's sons, Richard I and John. Defeating John in 1204 and again, resoundingly, at Bouvines (1214), Philip soundly established the military prestige of France.During Philip's reign a greater France emerged. The crusade against the Albigenses (begun 1208) netted the crown the huge fiefs of the counts of Toulouse in S France, and the royal domain (directly subject to the king) now formed the larger part of the kingdom. Philip made the royal authority felt throughout the land. Paris was rebuilt. Louis IX (1226-70) organized an efficient and equitable civil and judicial system. Under Philip IV (1285-1314), the royal administration was improved even more. Philip failed to incorporate Flanders into his holdings, as the Flemish crushed the French at Courtrai (1302). To meet his revenue needs Philip taxed the clergy, summoning the first national States-General (1302) to support his policy. He also destroyed the wealthy Knights Templars . Papal objections to these moves led to the Babylonian Captivity (1309-77) of the popes (see papacy ).Philip's son, Louis X , ruled briefly (1314-16); he was succeeded by two brothers, Philip V (1317-22) and Charles IV (1322-28). Within a few years after the death of Charles IV, who was also without a male heir, progress toward national unification was halted, and for more than a century France was rent by warfare and internal upheaval.The Making of a NationIn 1328, Philip VI (1328-50), of the house of Valois , a younger branch of the Capetians, succeeded to the throne. The succession was contested by Philip's remote c
