装甲兵工程学院是几本 装甲兵工程学院2022分数线




差不多都在超出一本线60 70分左右。我爸就是哪个学校毕业的,很牛的军校。


中国人民解放军装甲兵工程学院,于1953年始建,坐落于北京市,是国内重点工科院校和全军综合性大学之一,军工六校之一,隶属于总装备部,是“十一五”期间全军重点建设院校、全军首批教学优秀单位。其前身是中国人民解放军哈尔滨军事工程学院(哈军工)装甲兵工程系。 学校主要为全军培养装甲兵排长、坦克排长、陆军步兵排长等专门人才。

Academy of Armored Force Engineering of the People’s Liberation Army

Military public general undergraduate course

The Academy of Armored Force Engineering of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), founded in 1953 and located in Beijing, is one of the key engineering colleges in China, one of the army’s comprehensive universities, and one of the six military industrial colleges. It is subordinate to the General Armament Department and one of the army’s key construction colleges and one of the army’s first batch of outstanding teaching units during the “11th Five-Year Plan” period. Its predecessor is the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Harbin Military Engineering Institute (Harbin Military Industry) Armored Force Engineering Department. The school trains specialized personnel for the whole army, such as armored platoon leaders, tank platoon leaders and army infantry platoon leaders.
