
1、 父亲节作文90字

  • 作文题目 : 父亲节快乐! 小时候,您用双手托起我童年的天空。多少发锭篡瓜诂盖磋睡单精次,被岁月雕琢的粗糙的手高高举起我,旋转,仿佛要向全世界炫耀,您的骄傲和万千宠爱。长大后,您用心灵深处的温暖之光,照亮我远航的路程。无论我走了多久,走了多远,始终走在您牵挂的心路上。:“爸爸,我爱您!”
  • 2、 三年级下册英语作文感恩父亲节一百字左右

  • There are so many people talking about how much their mother love them,whereas seldom people realize how much love their father give them.In fact,fathers love is as strong as mothers,but normally,fathers are not very good of expressing their feelings.Fathers love is deep and silent,thats why most people think their father love them less.If you carefully go through your childhood memory,you will notice your father is always there when you need them,th敞辅搬恍植喝邦桶鲍垃ough they never said it out loud how much they love you,fathers like a shelter when the storm coming,fathers like a door when there is danger outside,father is someone no matter how you treat him,he will choose to bear all the pressure and let you free.So please cheer for the love of father!
  • 3、 求以父亲节为主题的初中英语作文

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