


1、当陈述句中有is,am,are的时候,需要把他们提前,其中am要变成are。例如: she is a student. 这样主语后面是be动词的陈述句,改为一般疑问句就只用把be动词提前,改为Is she a student? I am Linda. 把am提前,改为Are you linda?

2、当陈述句中谓语是动词原形的时候,借助动词do并提前。如果是单三式,就借助动词does并提前。例如: She has a bag. 这样主语后面不是be动词的句子,改成一般疑问句就在主语前面加上do或does,改为Does she have a bag? he likes apples. 在主语前面加上does,改为does he like apples? they like apples. 在主语前面加上do,改为Do they like apples?




  • 我英文不好,就记得是一首很欢快的英文歌,开始是一个类似小孩在唱,喽咪,爱的喔喽咪,爱hei n酣穿丰费莶渡奉杀斧辑obody吼~麦哦……求各位大神指点
  • 贾斯丁比伯,as long as you love me


  • Please do not run in the swimming pool


  • 问题补充: 我叫彭利华,男,34岁了,想起一个很男人也能和自己名字相似的英文名,起名字希望自己的事业能蒸蒸日上
  • leeward怎么样,基本能满足你的要求。求采纳。

统计题提问 (英文原文)

  • United Manufacturing and Supply makes sprinkler valves for use in residential sprinkler systems.United supplies these valves to major companies, such as Rain Bird and Nelson, who in turn sellsprinkler products to retailers. United recently entered a contract to supply 40,000 sprinkler valves.The contract called for at least 97% of the valves to be free of defects. Before shipping out thevalves, United managers tested 200 randomly selected valves, and found 190 defective free.a)What is the sampling distribution of the sample proportion? Assume the population proportion is97% defective free.b)The managers wish to know what the probability is to have 190 or less defect-free valves if in factthe population of 40,000 valves is 97% defect-free. Compute this probability.c)Find the probability that the sample proportion would be within ±2% around the populationproportion. Assume the population proportion is 97% defective free.d)Discuss how United could use this information to determine whether to ship the valves to thecustomer.
  • 美国工业和供给中心做喷水阀门在一些喷水系统中。美国把阀门卖给一些公司如雨鸟和尼尔森。为供应商提供洒水产品,美国最近签订了一个4000的喷水阀门的合同。这些产品百分之九十七是合格的。在出售这些产品前他们做了测试,随机挑选的200个产品有190个是合格的。什么是样品分发样品分布?假设人口分布是百分之九十七合格的。经理们想知道怎么减少不合格率甚至降到百分之九十七以下。如果保证这个比例是可能的。正常的合格率在百分之二上下浮动假设产品是百分之九十七的合格。讨论美国该怎么用这些比例来出售这些阀门。


  • What did David do on the farm?

你是我的兄弟 对我的兄弟进行提问英文怎么说

  • Who am I?


  • home既是副词又可以是名词当home单独用时(就是前边没有修饰它的任何词)是副词比如 go home 当home被修饰时候就是名词比如go Marys home这里home就是名词 很好区分滴^_^ 个人认为,既然这里的home是名词,go Marys home应为go to Marys home,home 英[hm] 美[hom] n. 家; 家庭; 家庭生活; 终点; adj. 家庭的; 家用的; 本地的; 本部的; adv. 在家; 在家乡; 深深地; 深入地; [例句]Last night they stayed at home and watched TV昨晚他们呆在了家里看电视。[其他] 第三人称单数:homes 复数:homes 现在分词:homing 过去式:homed过去分词:homed


  • They are running along the wall.题目要求对:running along the wall 提问。我可以写可以么:Where are they running?
  • 闹蜡烛凉淳堪培拉碧凸人月趾


  • 点头像。。


  • 翻译如下一声巨响tr酣抚丰幌莶呵奉童斧阔emendous crash例句A tremendous crash drowned his words. 一声巨响淹没了他的声音。