Faith will move mountains 精诚所至,金石为开 Faith moves mountains. 相当于: Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. 精诚所至,金石为开,意指人的诚心所到,能感动天地,使金石为之开裂。比喻只要专心诚意去做,什么疑难问题都能解决。形容真诚对人产生的感动力。语出《庄子·渔父》:“真者,精诚之至也,不精不诚,不能动人”。汉·王充《论衡·感虚篇》:“精诚所至,金石为开。”
安徽省马鞍山市惠尔园林绿化工程有限责任公司 英语翻译
- 安徽省马鞍山市惠尔园林绿化工程有限责任公司 英语翻译问题补充: 非在线翻译自动翻译的!!!!!
- Anhui Province Maanshan Huier Garden Greening Engineering limited liability company.
- 速度
- 就你这态度,擦,有也不给你
英语翻译约翰和彼得都是我的好朋友,前者是医生,后者是工程师。 John and Peter are
- 英语翻译约翰和彼得都是我的好朋友,前者是医生,后者是工程师。John and Peter areboth my good friends.___is the doctor孩担粉杆莠访疯诗弗涧 and__is an engineer
- one, the other
- 翻译请问朋
- ure that day as far in the future. When we are
- 水暖工程师Plumbing engineer
- The Displacement Results Comparison. It shows in the Table. 1 that the bridge deck is pressedon the loading side, whose displacement is down, but the displacement of the bridge deck is up onthe no-loading side. The displacement increases with the increase of the loading. There are smallererrors between the computer simulation results and the measured results (refer with: Table 1, Table2). The results above can provide reference for inverting the actual mechanics model of the bridge.The Shape of Analysis Results Compared with the Calculative Results. The shape of analysisresults is similar to the calculative results (refer with: Fig. 9, Fig. 10). It shows that the ANSYSfinite element model can reflect the real working state of the bridge by the comparative resultsabove (refer with: Table 3). The computer model can be used to calculate the bearing capacity of thesingle column bridge under the condition of its bearings disengaging.The Bearing Capacity of the BridgeIn order to calculate the bearing capacity of the bridge, we can use the finite element model to load.Different loading methods are applied to the finite element mode. According to the counterforce ofthe bearing, we can judge whether the bearing is disengaging.
- 位移结果比较。它显示在表。1,桥面压在负荷侧,其位移量下降,但桥面位移是在无负荷侧。位移随着荷载的增加而增加。有较小的计算机仿真结果与实测结果之间的误差(参考:表1,表2。以上结果可为逆变桥的实际力学模型提供参考。分析结果与计算结果比较的形状。分析的形状结果是类似的计算结果(参考:图9,图10)。结果表明,ANSYS有限元模型能够反映出的比较结果,该桥的实际工作状态以上(参考:表3)。计算机模型可用来计算的承载力单柱式条件下其支座脱空。该桥的承载能力为了计算该桥的承载能力,我们可以利用有限元模型对负荷。不同的加载方法应用到有限元模式。根据反作用力轴承,我们可以判断轴承是分离
- Curing ConcreteWhen a batch of concrete is first mixed, it forms aplastic mass that can be poured into prepared forms with little effort. Inabout an hour the concrete sets into a rigid mass that weighs about 150 lb percu ft. The cement paste is said to hydrate, that is, the individual particlesof cement absorb the surrounding molecules of water into their molecularstructures. As they do, the cement crystallizes into a kind of rigid gel,something like gelatine, that gradually changes with the passing of time into asolid mass of minute, interlocked crystals. The longer hydration continues, thestronger the concrete will become. It is standard engineering practice,therefore, to calculate the final design strength of concrete on the basis of a28-day curing period, although under exceptional conditions concrete has beenknown to continue increasing in strength for a quarter of a century and longer.The time during which concrete hydrates and increasesin strength is its curing period. Concrete cannot hydrate, or cure, unlessthere is water present within the concrete. Throughout the curing period,therefore, all the exposed surfaces of the concrete must be kept moist. As longas the concrete is kept moist, curing will continue and the concrete will becomeincreasingly stronger, denser, and more impervious to water.Once concrete is allowed to dry out completely,however, hydration stops. Usually it is the surface of concrete that isadversely affected by a too-short curing period. For example, the surface of asample of concrete that has been kept moist for 28 days will be twice as strongas a surface that has been kept moist for only 3 days.The outside air temperature is an extremely importantfactor in proper curing. If the air temperature is too high, over 90°F, say, the water in the concrete may evaporate awaybefore hydration can be completed. An excessive internal temperature may alsointerfere with proper hydration. Concrete that has been mixed and placed duringvery hot weather i
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