魏巍我的老师(双语诵读系列 | 魏巍《我的老师》)

双语诵读《我的老师》 来自LanEnglish 00:00 13:57

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我的老师  魏巍






  有一件小事,我不知道还值不值得提它,但回想起来,在那时却占据过我的心灵。我父亲那时候在军阀部队里,好几年没有回来,我跟母亲非常牵挂他,不知道他的死活。我的那些小“反对派”们,常常在我的耳边猛喊:“哎哟哟,你爹回不来啦,他吃了炮子儿啰!”那时的我,真好像死了父亲似的那么悲伤。这时候,蔡老师援助了我,批评了我的“反对派”们,还写 了一封信劝慰我,说我是“心清如水的学生”。一个老师排除孩子世界里的一件小小的纠纷,是多么平常,可是回想起来,那时候我却觉得是给了我莫大的支持!在一个孩子的眼睛里,他的老师是多么慈爱,多么公平,多么伟大的人啊!





My Teacher 

The most unforgettable person in my mind is, Miss. Cai Yunzhi, one of my female teachers in childhood.

Looking back on her age now, she was about eighteen or nineteen at that time. On the right corner of her mouth, there was a dark mole as big as the elm fruit. And in my memory, she is a gentle and beautiful person.

She has never abused us. There was only one time, while her teaching pointer was about to be falling, I greeted it with my slate. The pointer kissed the slate softly, and then, all young pupils laughed, so did she. With my sly glimpse that any other kids must have as well, I found that she loved us, and that she had never had any intention to abuse us. Well, children are so good at seeing this! 

She loves poetry, and loves to teach us to recite in musical tunes. Until now I still remember her tunes reciting poetry, and it comes the same with my reciting on poems that she have taught, 

“A round sky covers the big sea,

Dark waters support the boat isolated,

Mountains far far away cannot be seen,

Upon the horizons there’s nothing but clouds,

Seen nor the trees,

Yet over the water are those mew gulls.”

As I look back on all of this today, I realise that she has brought so so great influence to me on my approaching and falling in love with literature! 

There was a slight incident, which was worth a whistle, or maybe not; however, as I drew it back, it had occupied my mind long time ago. My father, who served in the army of the warlords at that time was away from home for several years, while my mother and I were being so worried about him, dead or alive, no one really had a clue. Those little “Opposition Factions” of mine were often yelling around me, “Hey, Your dad wouldn’t be back, he was shot.” So I was grieved as if my father were dead. Then, Miss Cai helped me out, who criticized those little “Opposition Factions” of mine and wrote me a letter, on which I was said to be “a pupil with a heart as pure as water”. How ordinary it was that a teacher eliminated a small dispute among children, however, it was, as to me back to then, the greatest support. In the eyes of a child, his teacher was so kindhearted, so unprejudiced and so so great a human being!

Before we were off for the long holiday, I had stood beside her silently, watching her pack all sorts of stuff, this and that. Miss Cai! I wondered if you had perceived that a child, standing by your side, was so reluctant to leave? As for the summer holiday, how long it would be to a boy who loved his teacher so so much! It was at a night in one holiday when I was falling asleep on the mat that had been put in the living room. Afterwards, I did not know how long it took, I suddenly crawled up from the mat and walked at the door unawakenedly. Mother uttered an abrupt scream, which stopped my steps,

“What are you gonna do?”

“Get Miss Cai…” I muttered.

“Aren’t you on your summer holiday?”

Oh, and I woke. Then I looked at the mat, out of which I had stepped for five or six feet far.

It was not until mother had pulled me back and had persuaded me for a little while did I was falling asleep again. I hardly need say how much I missed my Miss Cai! As I think of this today, I still have this feeling that it is one piece of precious treasure in my memory. Lovestruck people can hardly compare with the child who has a pure and naive heart! Alas, when shall I have the chance to meet Miss Cai again?


