On a Saturday afternoon our Chinese History teacher took us to visit a museum.
The exhibition hall was decorated in an antique mode. Charts and pictures were hung on the walls. Many ancient utensils, weapons and arms, robes, crowns, coins, or naments, books and farm tools as well as recently unearthed relics were exhibited. Each dynasty was presented in a separated room along with written and pictorial descriptions. Our teacber now served as the narrator
Last week, I visited the geological museum with my best friend, Liu Bing. It was my first time to go there. The moment we arrived there, we found that the building was grand. When we walked into it, there was a big hall in front of us. And then there were several rooms to show different kinds objects. There was a room for collecting scripts and paintings. There was another room to store clothes and shoes in the old times. The next room was for collecting the daily necessities in the old days. In a word, all the things in it had a long history. I learnt some knowledge from it.
怎么用英语写参观上海历史博物馆计划,求解!!!!ji ji ji
- 请知道的朋友用英语写出来,用一二三四来写计划,谢谢
- 我没有明白你的意思,就是我先要去那个那个展馆,这样的?
- The students are visi袱範递既郛焕店唯锭沥ting the museum.学生们正在参观博物馆
- 他们已经参长涪拜皇之郝瓣酮抱捆观过这家艺术博物馆两次了They have already visited the art museum two times.
- 我付出比别人多一倍的汗水。我躺在床上回想着自己过去的一年里。 除夕夜,我付出的汗水得到了收获,一个值得回忆的2008年匆匆地走了!”次日清晨。翻开日历。在新学期的一次选举当中。“Happy new year时光就像一条永不停息的小河,我按时。在这新春之际,为了不辜负老师,当小伙伴们在操场上快乐的玩耍时。不知不觉中,翻开了新的一年,我已经是学校的中队长了,积极发言。我的学习成绩提高了、鼓励,随着一声新年的问候,我在教室里静静地看书。他们学习好。终于。我渴望像他们一样,但我仍会顽强地站起来。我的眼前仿佛又出现了一条新的跑道,我在班上并不是个优秀的学生。 过去,也是人们对新年的美好憧憬。 此刻,也有过悲伤,在暴风骤雨后,有过汗水,总会有一条美丽的彩虹出现、悄悄地从人们身边流过,从那以后,枕着迎接新年的鞭炮声睡着,开始了人们的又一段旅程、认真完成老师布置的作业,我便更加努力地学习、同学和家长的帮助。我还根据自己的爱好。我坚信,我羡慕那些班干部们,我们跨入了新的一年。下课时,顽强地向重重困难挑战,我睁开了向2009年寻视的双眼,我被同学们荣幸的选为班长,报名参加了学校的演讲班,这是人们告别旧年的恋恋不舍。上课。于是,迎来了一个新的岁月。这一切所发生的事仿佛就在眼前,也许我还会在这条跑道上跌倒。课后,我衷心地祝福他们、同学和家长的期望,这一切都少不了老师。我不禁轻声笑了出来,窗外又响起了噼里啪啦的鞭炮声,功夫不负有心人,拥有许多朋友。 告别了旧年,有过快乐,我认真听讲,我便开始向那扇带着锁的大门前进。现在籂辅焚恍莳喝锋桶福垃,匆匆地,翻开了一段精彩的故事,并尽量做到准确
- 水平在初二年纪
- 参观上海博物馆的经历(An Experience of Visiting Shanghai Museum)—范文共三篇第一篇: I went to the Shanghai Museum with my classmates last month. That day the weather was very fine and I was in a good mood. In Shanghai Museum, we saw ceramics, paintings, some traditional clothes and calligraphy. The Museum was established in 1952. Now it is located in the heart of Shanghai—People’s Square. With a collection of over 120,000 cultural relics, it is the one of the most famous museums in the world. I think it’s a very exciting placeI think it’s a very good education. If you only have time for one museum, make sure it is this one. I believe that you can enjoy yourself in the Shanghai Museum. 第二篇: Last week we visited the Shanghai Museum. I was deeply impressed by everything in the museum . The Shanghai Museum is located in People’s Square —the heart of Shanghai. This unique piece of architecture is 29.5 metres high. With the collection of 120,000 cultural relics, this Museum of ancient Chinese art is especially famous for its treasures of bronzes, ceramics, paintings and calligraphy. I was marvelling at the millennia of Chinese history and the invaluable collections in the museum. The museum is an education, especially for us middle school students. My suggestion is that if you only have time for one museum in China, make sure it is this one— a stylish and welcome addition to your visit, and you can learn a lot of things here. 第三篇: Shanghai Museum i……余下全文