



“真是个古灵精怪的丫头!”这是我对她的第一感觉。直肠子,快嘴,毫不做作。她会趁你不注意时,从背后蒙住你的眼睛,夹着嗓子说:“猜猜我是谁?”(*^__^*) 嘻嘻,不说也知道。“张璇!”她笑嘻嘻地问:“你怎么知道的?”我摇摇头,“不告诉你!哈哈。”这时,她立刻向你伸出魔爪。“不说,就要咯吱咯吱!哈哈。”“啊!救命呀!我最怕痒了!”“看你往哪儿逃!”……






  • 昨天我观看了中国女排大战俄罗斯女排,我们中国选手顶住俄罗担矗曹匪丨睹查色肠姬斯巨大的压力控制好心态,以3比0大获全胜。一开始中国女排就发起猛烈地进攻,使比分先取得领先,然后乘胜追击,丝毫不给敌人留点喘息的机会,最终我以25比19赢了俄罗斯的第一局。第二局开始中国选手打得更努力了,然而对方好像找到了感觉也发起强烈的进功,刚开始就以4比1暂时领先。可我国选手没有被这几分的差距打倒。而是越打越猛逐渐的把分数给追上了,俄罗斯也不落后,她们也紧追猛打。两队都超过了规定的25分以后,中国女排乃久领先一分因此没有决出胜负。这时的俄罗斯队好像慌了手脚,又给了我国一分。啊啊,我国以29比27赢了第二局。当然第三局我国越打越带劲。虽然额头上的汗不停的往下流可是她们脸上的笑容还是那么灿烂。这一战中国女排赢了俄罗斯队,进了四强。后面还要和美、德、西女排比赛。我祝你们能赢桂冠,中国女排,加油,好样的。同学们,中国女排作文为大家介绍完毕了,精品学习网的作文频道编辑在这里祝大家学习进步~——


  • 不知道爸爸爸爸爸爸吧


  • 可以写我的ㄨㄨ为题或者是我为ㄨㄨ写小传都可以的。


  • 如题,求,好的给分采纳(记住,英语)
  • 1、Li Bai (ca 705 – 762), also called Li Po, is probably Chinas most famous poet. A great deal has been written about him. This commentary focuses on his connection to the qin. In this regard Ronald Egan writes (Controversy, p.53), "In the first centuries of the Tang dynasty, the poets Meng Haoran and Li Bo further promoted the cultivation of a special literati affiliation with this instrument." 2Li Bai(701-762) is regarded as the greatest romantic poet of the Tang dynasty(618-907) and of China of all times.Born in Central Asia,as it is believed,he moved with his family to Sichuan at the age of five.In 725,he traveled down the Changjiang(Yangzi) River when he wrote The Moon over the Eyebrow Mountains and Farewell beyond the Thorn-Gate Gorge,in which both the moon and water are personified.and which reveal his deep love of nature as well as of his native land.In 727,he was married to the granddaughter of an ex-minister Xu.In 730,he came to Changan,the Tang capital,in the hope of meeting people of influence who would help him to realize his poltical ideal.Disappointed,he wrote Lovesickness in which he compared his yearning to the love for a woman.Hard Is the Way of the World and Hard Is the Road to Shu which is supposed to be his most important work in the first period of his verse-making.In 735,he wrote Invitation to Wine in which he revealed his love of drink was due to his disappointment in his career.After the death of his first wife,he move with his chil……余下全文