

– 《The Importance of Reading》

Reading is of great significance in our life. By reading, we can expand our knowledge, enhance our vocabulary, and improve our comprehension skills. It allows us to explore different worlds, gain insights into various cultures, and broaden our perspectives. Moreover, reading can also stimulate our imagination and creativity, enabling us to think critically and analytically.

– 《My Hobbies》

I have a wide range of hobbies, which bring me great pleasure and fulfillment. One of my favorite hobbies is reading. I enjoy immersing myself in different kinds of books, whether it’s fiction, non-fiction, or poetry. Another hobby of mine is music. I love listening to various genres of music and playing musical instruments.

– 《My Dream Job》

My dream job is to become a doctor. I have always been fascinated by the field of medicine and the ability to save lives. To achieve this goal, I am determined to study hard and gain comprehensive knowledge and skills in medicine. I will strive for excellence in my academic studies and participate in relevant practical activities to gain valuable experience.



1. My favorite hobby is swimming. I feel relaxed when I’m in the water.

2. Yesterday, I went to see a movie with my friends. It was a comedy and we laughed a lot.

3. My family and I went on a trip to the beach last weekend. We had a great time playing in the sand and swimming in the ocean.

4. My school has a lot of extracurricular activities, such as basketball, drama, and chess club.

5. I’m learning to play the guitar. It’s challenging, but I enjoy it very much.

6. I like to read books in my spare time. My favorite genre is science fiction.

7. My best friend and I enjoy hiking in the woods behind our houses. We love exploring nature together.

8. I have a pet cat named Fluffy. She is very cute and loves to curl up in my lap.

9. My favorite food is pizza, especially with extra cheese and toppings.

10. I’m really excited to go on a trip to Europe next summer. I can’t wait to see all the famous landmarks and learn about new cultures.


  • 问题补充: 打错。 是英语高考作文
  • 既然相似,可以借用,但不宜直接套用。祝进步


  • 简短的。6,7句 就行,难度不要太高
  • A Youd better see a doctor when you have the flu.B Thank you. What should I do if I have a headache?A You should have a good rest.B Is that all?A You must drink plenty of water. B Anything else?A You must not stay up at night.B Thank you very much.


  • 本人英语专业八级,完全现场翻译手打字,请放心采纳。亲爱的先生或女士: 来自中国的问候! 我叫李华,是一名来自四川的学生。我从童年起就一直喜欢熊猫,大约在3年前,我很高兴了解到熊猫白云生了女儿苏琳,我一直在您的网页上关注她的成长。现在她即将3岁了,我很乐意祝她生日快乐,并且对您的努力工作表示感谢,正因为此,苏琳和她的母亲在美国过着快乐健康的生活。 顺便请问一下,我能要一张苏琳三岁生日照的照片么?提前感谢您。


  • 懒得自己找了 不是摘要那种 是全文 最好是翻译技巧那种 别的也可以 别太烂大街四处都能见着就行 回答好再提高悬赏问题补充: 忘了留油箱了2562981930 扣扣油箱不要上传附件
  • 完整,有头有尾


  • 作文题目:假如你氦缉份垦莓旧逢驯抚沫是某校学生会委员,在学校组织了一项有2000多名学生参与的“有烦恼向谁倾诉”的调查活动。请写一份调查报告,内容须包括下表内容以及你对调查结果的看法。要求:题目自拟我的问题:求用中文写下对调查结果的看法!要求:结合调查结果写,要有条理、要合理、看法写两三条,就像写语文小论文一样!!调查结果见下表。 调查结果:求助对象比例理由同学、朋友60%年龄相仿、易于沟通、… …老师、家长25%有经验、值得信任、… …无12%不愿交流沟通、 … …心理热线3%方便、敞开心扉、 … …
  • BDADA CBCDA BDBCDrnDDCB rnBCB&#92氦缉份垦莓旧逢驯抚沫;rnDBCB


  • 你一定照过很多的照片,或是你欣赏过各种各样的照片、图片,有没有你印象深刻的照片?挑选一张对它进行描述,写成一篇不少于80词的短文。要求∶1.恰当运用2~3个定语从句 2.按一定顺序进行观察,条理清楚,语句通顺。
  • afdagfdasgfdafageghgtjfghretweruhtydhtaer

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  • 咔咔 我帮你找找 需要时间啊


  • 因为是辩论赛,我是组长,得给我们四个组员写稿,但我想来想去就想到几句话,而我们几个组员大概共需600字左右,想不出来了,所以在这里求助大神!不用给我写太多,给我写个200字就够了,我把众多网友的拼一下,当然写的越多越好,感激不尽,好人一生平安问题补充: 是英文哦!!!!
  • 因为是辩论赛,我是组长,得给我们四个组员写稿,但我想来想去就想到几句话,而我们几个组员大概共需600字左右,想不出来了,所以在这里求助大神!不用给我写太多,给我写个200字就够了,我把众多网友的拼一下,当然写的越多越好,感激不尽,好人一生平安