hot和hotter的区别 heat 和hot的区别


hotpot 和hot pot 没啥大的区别,一般都是可以当“火锅”来用,只是说火锅时,更习性用后者,也就是hot pot。而hotpot最开始的意思在英英字典里的解释是 “罐焖(土豆)烧肉”,而不是指火锅,但后来随着火锅在全球上的普及,hotpot也有了火锅的意思。因此这两个词没何大区别,只不过是习性写法难题罢了,一个连在一起写,一个分开写。


hotpot与hot pot都可以表示火锅,hot pot 除此还有其它意思。hot pot还可以表示:1.干锅,干煸类,或是烧热的锅2.[主英国英语]罐闷土豆牛肉(或羊肉)3.肉类和土豆混煮食品4.麦酒与香料混合的热饮料 [亦作 hot-pot]例句:Lancashire hotpot: This is another British dish that uses lamb, named after theLancashire region in the middle of the UK. 兰克希儿郡火锅 :这又是一道用羊羔肉做的英式菜肴,以英国中部的兰克希儿地区命名。

Put the spotless potatoes, tomatoes and tobacco atoms into the hot pot. 把无斑点的土豆、番茄和烟草微粒(原子)放进热锅里。


加the。1. 由于英语中一般是要服从冠词使用制度,如果一个物质或抽象名词前面没有其他限定语,一般需要用the来表示特指的含义。2. 另外根据汉语和英语的表达方式不同,中文的“火锅”是一种独立的美食概念,而英语中没有这个专门的词汇,只能用a hotpot或者the hotpot,因此在英语中为了表达更准确清晰,需要在hotpot前加上the冠词。

四、hotpot team是何公司?

hotpot team公司成立于1954年,总部位于美国的西雅图市。

hotpot team公司在全全球最早推出了6自在度震动台体系。特殊的设计和极高的工艺加工精度,使震动台体系有着极好的波形再现精度。

hotpot team公司也在全球上首次推出了发动机模拟体系,通过其核心的扭转作动器或电液伺服马达,该体系可精确的模拟发动机的输出扭矩曲线,为发动机整机及辅助体系的研究提供了非常有用的手段。


Start everyday with a new hope. leave bad memories behind and have faith for a better tomorrow.翻译成中文:每天开始一个新的希望。 留下不好的回忆,相信有更美妙的明天。


But from then on, he never saw another hare run into the tree stump


– I believe that by working together, we can achieve great things and create a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.

– I hope that my words today will inspire you to think differently, to take risks, and to pursue your dreams with passion and determination.

– Thank you for your attention and for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts with you today.



1. 深入了解页(Title Page):包括演讲者的名字,日期,地点和主题。

2. 开场白(Opening):通常是对听众的欢迎语,可以简短介绍自己和演讲的主题。

3. 主体部分(Body):这是演讲的主要部分,可以分为几许段落。每个段落都应该有一个主题句,接着用具体的例子,事实或数据来支持这个主题句。

4. (Conclusion):拓展资料你的演讲,重申你的主要见解,并给出或者行动呼吁。

5. 问答环节(Q&A):如果有时刻,可以设置一个问答环节,让听众提问。

6. 致谢(Acknowledgements):感谢所有帮助你准备演讲的人,包括你的家人,朋友,同事等。

7. 参考文献(References):如果你在演讲中提到了其他人的研究或见解,你应该在这里列出这些来源。




Well , can they all be served ashot pot dishes ?那么,这些都可以放入火锅吗?

Bob got a lot of boxes on the top of ahot pot.鲍伯在热壶的顶端上得到许多盒子。

In this cycle , we &39; ll be enjoyinghot pot.这回,我们将享受到火锅的魅力!

Operates chinese restaurants andhot pot restaurants.经营流行西式食肆。

Saute powdered and fry pickled with vinegarhot potuse.食用技巧炒裹粉油炸醋渍火锅用

十、what is time英文演讲稿?

As we all know time is money. Money is precious, so is time. As a result, we can come to the conclusion that time is money. To the majority of people, it seems to be logical and true. However, if we probe deeper into the question, probably, well have another answer.

Time can be turned into money. A wise businessman spends more time in producing goods. With the quality and quantity of his products going up, he can easily make big money. But can we turn money into time? Just imagine, when a millionaire with a large possession of money is dying, what does he wish to buy with all his money? One more year or one more day to live longer? But can he? Of course not.

And what’s more, time can do a lot of things that money cannot do. Just imagine, a student who is weak at maths wants to pass the exam, he has to be hardworking and spend more time to make rapid progress. If he just pays some money, can he pass the exam? Of course not!

So we can say time and money are not equal. Time is more than money. Everyone has the same allotment of time. Some put the limited time into making money, some put it into serving peo-ple heart and soul, and others put it into studies. How do you spend your time, ladies and gentlemen? That’s a question for all of us, which is worth thinking over.
