


问题补充:如题 最好是英文的


●On the day that Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans, elderly Daisy Williams (nee Fuller) is on her deathbed in a New Orleans hospital. At her side is her adult daughter, Caroline. Daisy asks Caroline to read to her aloud the diary of Daisy’s lifelong friend, Benjamin Button. Benjamin’s diary recounts his entire extraordinary life, the primary unusual aspect of which was his aging backwards, being diagnosed with several aging diseases at birth and thus given little chance of survival, but who does survive and gets younger with time. Abandoned by his biological father, Thomas Button, after Benjamin’s biological mother died in childbirth, Benjamin was raised by Queenie, a black woman and caregiver at a seniors home. Daisy’s grandmother was a resident at that home, which is where she first met Benjamin. Although separated through the years, Daisy and Benjamin remain in contact throughout their lives, reconnecting in their forties when in age they finally match up. Some of the revelations in Benjamin’s diary are difficult for Caroline to read, especially as it relates to the time past this reconnection between Benjamin and Daisy, when Daisy gets older and Benjamin grows younger into his childhood years.

本杰明巴顿奇事 简介翻译!汉译英

●Benjiamin Barton was born right after the close of the First World War but left in an old people’s home as a monster by his father. So Benjiamin had to live with old people and he became unexpectedly younger and younger. It is some people’s hope to be younger and younger, but living like this, Benjiamin had the sorrow and joy that others couldn’t understand. Living in a world of 50-year-long revolutions,Benjiamin experienced changes that other people never did.


问题补充:我不明白的一点 故事的背景 老戴珊和女儿讲述时 影片安排的飓风是什么意思?在安静点的环境下说不是很好吗?那只蜂鸟表示什么?还有希望推荐一下与本片类似的电影 意味深长 感悟人生的 看完后能回味好几天的
●《本杰明巴顿奇事》,我最爱的电影,每次看都有不同的感受。 个人理解: 蜂鸟寓意顽强的生命,一如本杰明那不平凡的一生,再者,蜂鸟是世界上唯一能倒着飞的鸟,就像本杰明的倒叙人生一样。 贯穿着整部电影的飓风,说实话,我也不是很理解哦,可能是导演想以飓风这一剧烈的让人不安的环境反衬出女主角回忆本杰明时的平静吧,对,应该是这样的,呵呵


●二战日本偷袭珍珠港 一战 与本杰明·巴顿每夜会面的那个女的,是真的第一个横跨英吉利海峡的女士还有那个被闪电击中7次不死的家伙也是真的,美国历史上的确有这样一个奇人还有哥伦比亚号航天飞机 的发射(也不太确定是哥伦比亚号,但是哥伦比亚号是第一架)答题者:简洁速答
