假日闲暇时,三五好友相约到 KTV 唱唱歌,已成了现代人的一大乐事。不过,你对音乐的了解有多少呢?你知道一首歌的「主歌、副歌」英文怎么说吗?要形容一个人在演唱过程中「忘词、走音」,英文又该如何表达呢?今天就跟着希平方一起认识一下吧!
intro 前奏
verse 主歌
pre chorus 导歌:主、副歌的连接段落
chorus 副歌
bridge 桥梁:重复主、副歌之间插入的过渡段落,曲风常有别于原曲
outro 尾奏、歌曲结尾
A: I heard you are writing a new song these days. Is it done?(我听说你这几天在写新歌。完成了吗?)
B: Not yet. The verse and the chorus have been written out, but the bridge is still on the way. I’ll let you know when I finish.(还没。主歌跟副歌已经写好了,但还没写好桥段。写好时告诉你。)
lyric 歌词
She lost the singing contest because she forgot the lyrics to her song.(她输掉了歌唱比赛,因为她忘词了。)
melody 旋律、曲调
Jane wrote beautiful lyrics that matched the existing melody perfectly.(Jane 写出了一段优美歌词,跟现有的旋律完美搭到了一起。)
rhythm 节奏
A: I don’t know if I should change the beats here to eighth notes.(我不知道该不该把这里的拍子改成八分音符。)
B: Why don’t you tap out the rhythm to see if you like it?(你为什么不把节奏敲出来,看看自己喜不喜欢呢?)
至于节奏感,则可以说 sense of rhythm。
Singing without music is difficult; you may easily fall behind or speed up if you don’t have an acute sense of rhythm.(清唱很难;如果你没有敏锐的节奏感,很容易慢拍或抢拍。)
pitch 音调
音的音调有高低之分,常用音符(note)标记。如果要表示音准好,可以说 on pitch、in tune,走音的话则可以说 off pitch、out of tune。
I can’t believe Eric is Steven’s big brother. Eric could sing a song almost always on pitch, while Steven is so off pitch that I could hardly recognize the song.(我不敢相信 Eric 是 Steven 的哥哥。Eric 一首歌唱下来音准几乎都是完美的,但 Steven 五音不全到我都快认不出歌了。)
Pitch 也可以用来表示一个人的音准能力,如绝对音感是 perfect pitch,相对音感是 relative pitch。
Lily has a wonderful gift for music. She has perfect pitch, and her range is remarkably wide.(Lily 的音乐天赋惊人。她有绝对音感,而且音域非常广。)
harmony 和声
演唱或演奏过程中,同时出现而能创造悦耳和谐效果的不同音高。乐器和弦则称作 chord。