
四级写作要求考生根据所规定的题目以及所给出的提示写出一篇短文,长度不少于120词,不多于180词。六级考试要求写作部分长度不少于 150 词,不多于200词。








1. 文字描述型:描述现象/发展趋势/客观事实

(1). In recent years,?(话题词)?has become a focus of concern among somebody.

近年来,_____ 已成为大家关注的焦点。

e.g. In recent years, overseas study has become a focus of concern among college


(2). It is universally acknowledged that_____ .

人们普遍认为_____ 。

e.g. It is universally acknowledged that innovation plays an important role in the sustainable growth of our society.

(3). Nowadays, there has been a heated discussion about whether (选择1) or (选择2).

现如今,关于_____ 和_____ 产生了激烈的讨论。

e.g. Nowadays, there has been a heat discussion about whether to join a state-owned

business or to work for a joint venture.

2. 漫画图表型:表层描写 + 深层描写

1). As is vividly shown in this picture,?(描述图片的内容),we are informed that?主题句?


e.g. As is vividly shown in this picture that?a man is sitting in front of the computer searching the Internet for information. We are informed that there is so much misleading information online in this Internet-based world.

(2). According to the picture / chart / graph / table,?(描述图片的内容). It conveys the message that_____ .

根据图表,?(描述图片的内容)。它向我们传递了这样的信息_____ 。

e.g. According to the picture, people keep looking at their mobile phones even while crossing the road, so they have to use walking sticks in order to see.It conveys the message that people in modern society cannot live without the cell phone.

3. 名言警句型:表层描写 + 深层描写

(1). As the saying goes, “ _____.” It aims at telling us the real meaning of _____ .

常言道: “_____ ”。 它只在告诉我们_____ 真正含义。

e.g. As the saying goes,“Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission.” It aims at telling us the real meaning of the significance of lifelong learning.

(2). There is a saying “_____ ”. Simple as the remark may sound, it aims at informing us of the significance of_____ .

常言道: “_____ ”。也许这句话听起来很简单,但是它旨在告诉我们_____ 的重要性。

e.g. There is a saying “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious”. Simple as the remark may sound, it aims at informing us of the significance of curiosity.


1. 议论文:表明自己的立场/观点

(1). As far as I am concerned,_____ .

就我而言,_____ 。

e.g. As far as I am concerned, invention has contributed tremendously to the advancement of human society.

(2). From my perspective, _____ .

在我看来,_____ 。

e.g. From my perspective, both teachers and students should make great efforts to promote a harmonious and friendly teacher-student relationship.

(3). Personally, I strongly prefer the former / latter option.


(4).In my view, I give my vote to the former / latter one.


2. 说明文:表明写作的目的/意图(原因/措施/影响)

(1). In this essay, I am going to analyze / discuss_____ .

在这篇文章中,我将分析/讨论_____ 。

e.g. In this essay, I am going to discuss what measures should be taken to promote Innovation.

(2). _____ and_____ will be analyzed / discussed in this essay.

_____和 _____将会在这篇文章中被讨论/分析到。

e.g. The importance of innovation and how to promote innovation will be discussed in this essay.


1. Nowadays, along with?背景情况?, an increasing number of people are faced with the dilemma of whether to_____ or to_____ . For my part, I prefer the former / latter option. [比较选择]

现如今,随着_____ ,越来越多的人面临着这样的困境,到底是_____ 还是_____ 。就我而言,我更喜欢前者/后者。

e.g. Nowadays, along with the ending of high school, an increasing number of students are faced with the dilemma of whether to attend college at home or abroad. For my part, I prefer to latter option.

2. Views on_____ differ greatly from people to people. Some people think that it is a wise choice to_____ , while others consider it better to_____ . My opinion is that _____ . [比较选择]

人们关于_____ 的观点各有不同。一些人认为_____ 是一个明智的选择,但是其他人则认为_____会更好。我的观点是_____ 。

e.g. Views on whether to major in science or humanities differ greatly from people to people. Some people think that it is a wise choice to major in science, while others consider it better to major in humanities. My opinion is that they had better choose science as their field of study.

二、 写作模板:主体段


1. 提问角度:谈论看法

(1). There are two / three / several major reasons to support my point of view.


(2). The reasons why I agree / disagree_____ are as follows.

我支持/反对_____ 的理由如下。

e.g. The reasons why I agree with studying abroad are as follows.

2. 提问角度:分析原因

(1). There are two reasons accounting / accountable for this statement /view/ phenomenon.


(2). _____ may be caused by / can be attributed to two / three factors.

_____可能由这两个/三个因素引起的; _____可能归因于两/三个因素。

e.g. The great employment pressure of college students may be caused by two factors.

(3). The reason why _____ is twofold. For one thing,_____ ; for another, _____.

为什么_____ 的理由有两方面。 一方面,_____ ;另一方面,_____ 。

e.g. The reason why I am in favour of finding employment is twofold.

3. 提问角度:提出措施

(1). It is essential / imperative that some measures should be taken to_____ .

必须采取一些措施来_____ 。

e.g. It is essential that some measures should be taken to reduce employment pressure.

(2). Some feasible / practicable steps should be taken before things get worse.


4. 提问角度: 讨论影响

(1). _____ may bring about / give rise to a number of problems.


e.g. Overusing cell phones may give rise to a number of problems.

(2). Everything has two sides and _____ is not an exception, which has both advantages and



e.g. Everything has two sides and computer is not an exception, which has both advantages and disadvantages.


1. This point is best illustrated with the example of_____ .


e.g. This point is best illustrated with the example of the well-known story called “A Blind Man With A Lantern”

2. History / life abounds with lots of examples to prove this.



1. 表开始

to begin with; to start with; first and foremost; first of all; most important of all

2. 表其次

next; furthermore; what’s more; additionally; besides; still; apart from

3. 表最后

lastly; finally; at last; last but not least; above all

4. 表总结

In conclusion; in a word; in summary; in a nutshell; to summarize; in short; in brief

5. 表两面

on the one hand, on the other hand; for one thing, for another; in the first place, in the second place



1. From what has been discussed above, it is not difficult to reach the conclusion that .

基于我们以上的讨论,我们不难得出这样的结论 。

e.g. From what has been discussed above, it is not difficult to reach the conclusion that the overuse of mobile phones is damaging to our physical health and to our family relationship as well.

2. Based on the arguments above, we may safely draw the conclusion that .

基于以上的讨论,我们可以很出这样的结论 。

e.g. Based on the arguments above, we may safely draw the conclusion that lifelong learning is not only imperative but also crucial to the success of our career.

3. Taking into account / consideration the above mentioned factors, we could come to / arrive at the conclusion that .

综合考虑以上提及的因素,我们可以得出这样的结论 。

e.g. Taking into account the above mentioned factors, we could come to arrive at the conclusion that it is more advisable to work in a state-owned business than in a joint venture after college.


1. 提问角度:分析原因

(1). As discussed above,?总结主体段分析过的若干原因?are responsible for?题目讨论的话题?.

正如上所讨论的, _____是_____ 的原因。

e.g. As discussed above, job security and work-life balance are responsible for the choice of working in a state-owned business.

(2). To sum up, it is?总结主体段分析过的若干原因?that have contributed to?题目讨论的话题?.

总而言之, _____导致了_____ 。

e.g. To sum up, it is lack of working experience and high expectation for salary that have contributed to the high employment pressure of college students.

2. 提问角度:提出措施

(1). To improve this situation, it is suggested / recommended that we should try our best / do our utmost to?总结主体段提到的具体措施.

为了改善这种状况,建议我们能够尽力/努力去_____ 。

e.g. To improve this situation, it is suggested / recommended that we should try our best to Improve our ability to distinguish true information from the false one.

(2). To mitigate this problem, governments should give priority to?总结主体段提到的具体措施.

为了缓和这个问题,政府应该优先_____ 。

e.g. To mitigate this problem, governments should give priority to the optimization of its medical resource.

3. 提问角度:讨论影响

(1). To sum up, it is evident that there are a variety of positive / negative effects.


(2). In short,?题目讨论的话题?would impact on?具体方面?in a number of ways.

简而言之, _____会在很多方面对_____ 产生影响。

e.g. In short, innovation would impact on our life and the development of our society in a number of ways.


1. 预测发展趋势/潜在影响

(1). As long as_____ fully realize the significance of _____ and start taking action, I believe that

_____ could be overcome. [积极乐观]

只要 _____充分意识到_____ 的重要性并且开始采取行动,我相信_____ 能够被克服。

e.g. As long as we fully realize the significance of doing exercise regularly and start taking action, I believe some physical illness could be overcome.

(2). If we do nothing to_____ but let it go as it is, chances are that_____ . [消极悲观]

对于 _____,如果我们什么都不做而是任其继续下去,很有可能_____ 。

e.g. If we do nothing to the misleading information online but let it go as it is, chances are that it will damage to the vulnerable groups as well as to a stable society.

2. 发出强烈呼吁

(1). It is (high) time that _____ paid attention to and took coordinated action to _____ .

_____ 是时候关注 _____并且合力采取行动_____ 。

e.g. It is high time that we paid attention to environmental protection and took coordinated action to promote the sustainable growth of our country.

(2). If we are to?想要达到的效果?,it is important that this is treated as a priority for all concerned.

如果我们想要 _____,重要的是我们要把它视为所有事情当中的优先事项。

e.g. If we are to avoid some possible consequences of misleading information, it is important that this is treated as a priority for all concerned.

