



That outfit is really brave. 你穿得真大胆。

I got that once, “That outfit is really brave. I love how you don’t even care what looks good.” Doesn’t feel great, even if it’s meant as a compliment.

英语学习者都逃不过西方文化中“Small talk”这一课,天气、交通、衣着都是老生常谈的话题。如果听到外国朋友对你说“That outfit is really brave”,可得仔细想想这到底是不是夸奖。Brave形容人的品质一定是夸奖你勇气可嘉,但用来形容穿着,可能真实含义是:这衣服你都敢穿?


That is SOME BABY!这个宝宝可真是不一般!

My grandma used to tell us that if you ever met an ugly baby you should say “Wow that is SOME BABY!”

人生中遇到过的最大危机,莫过于朋友兴致勃勃地向你展示他的孩子多可爱,而你痛苦地看着无辜的人类幼崽,纠结着要不要违心地附和……这句“That is SOME BABY!”或许能够帮你化解语塞的尴尬。不得不说这位网友的祖母真是位语言大师。03.

You look….Healthy! 你看上去…很健康!

Actually, it is the nice way of saying someone has gotten fat. It means, “You look healthy. Robust. Like the wind won’t knock you over. Eating well. In other words… chunkier than I last saw you” — if you’ve lost weight they’ll ask if you’re eating properly

在中国,不论是朋友还是家人,一句“你怎么又胖了”是表达关心的方式之一。但在美国,直接谈论对方的size可是大忌,于是英语中出现了很多看似褒义实则不然的表达,例如“You look…healthy”;“You’re looking…strong”。直白点说就是:噢!你胖了。看到这里你是否还心存疑虑:万一对方是真的想称赞你“healthy”呢?的确,这些间接称赞的表达需要考虑具体情境和说话者的神态语气。但除此之外,还有一些没那么友好的表达,同样能够混淆视听。


You’re at the top of the bell curve. 你可是站在钟形曲线的最顶端的人。

This is a flat-out insult whose mood and words seem complimentary. It’s ingenious. Top of the hierarchy, top of the world, top tier… top of the bell curve. This is the only one I’m actually saving for later.

我是最顶端的人?Oh that’s such a nice compliment… wait what !最高级层我们说“top of the hierarchy”;世界顶尖我们会夸“top of the world” ;北上广深城市发达我们称之为“top tier”。只要是top必然都是好事吗?Bell curve 是数学里的钟形曲线,呈现两端低、中间高的正态分布,如果你站在钟形曲线的最高点,说明你只是最最普通的大多数。虽然我们大部分人的最终归宿都是normal people,但这句话被别人用来当面评价,感觉就不是那么好了。


You’re much smarter than you look. 你比你看上去要聪明很多呢。

Some jerk told me that once. I just said, “And you’re dumber than you look.” That was the day I learned blondes are stereotyped to be stupid.

在各种影视作品与商业广告的潜移默化下,金发女郎总是给人留下“美丽迷人”“魅力十足”的印象。但这样看似夸赞的社会标签带来的却是令人反感的刻板印象,“woman who relies on her looks rather than on intelligence”她们一定是靠脸吃饭;“Blonde are dumb”金发无脑……很多女性因此在生活中受到不公平的评价。这位感同身受的网友表示,遇到这样的人直接回怼“And you’re dumber than you look”。
