


  • 完整问题:出国推荐书范文
  • 好评回答:  As Principal of George Mason High School I am delighted to recommend to you a stellar member of our teaching staff, Mr。 Samuel Cohen, and to write this letter on his behalf。 Sam has taught American History at the school for three years。 He is one of our most popular and effective instructors and has already won several teaching awards。  He came to us directly upon completion of his bachelor’s degree, but immediately settled in as if an old pro。 Sam is a master of all of the ingredients of successful teaching, especially the ability to inspire。  This gentleman is highly professional in both dress and demeanor。 To my knowledge Sam has never come to work without both a suit and tie, more times than not a bow tie。 The majority of others at the school, both teachers and students, dress differently and lean to more informality。 Never once, however, has Sam’s manner of dress elicited the slightest comment。 Why? It is simply because Sam’s attire seems entirely natural given his dignified comportment。  That comportment in turn is driven by Sam’s love and respect for American History。 Sam views himself as the messenger for something serious and important, and this is reflected in the way he teaches and in the way his students respond。  Reaction to Sam’s classes has been overwhelmingly positive。 So much so that more than once it has been reported to me that study hall students have been spotted lingering outside the door to Sam’s classroom listening to his lessons。  Sam’s impact has even been felt outside the school with the parents themselves。 His section on the importance of voting has inspired students to cajole their parents to register to vote。 Several have mentioned this to me at parent-teacher meetings。 One even called the school to have me pass on their thanks to Mr。 Cohen。  The only thing that we in the school administration have ever worried about in regard to Sam is the prospect of funding his bottled water。 Sam is such a passionate and prolific speaker that he needs a steady supply to maintain his voice。 So far we have gotten a pass on this, as students have bought it for him, including what must have been a year’s supply on his last birthday。  It will be a sad day when we announce that Sam will be pursuing his graduate degree on a fulltime basis。 We can only hope that he keeps his promise and returns to us as soon as the ink is dry on his new diploma。  Sincerely,  Harold W。 Brown  Principal  George Mason High School。
  • 我要推荐书(作文)急

  • 完整问题:我要推荐书(作文)急
  • 好评回答:我的家乡――江津,有名的帅乡,虽然谈不上内乡的古老,上海的繁华,北京的现代,但有了聂帅的助阵便可以说是风景优美,物产丰富了!请到我的家乡来看一看,包你有意外的收获!景点一:聂帅纪念馆星级指数:★★★★☆位于江津客运中心的聂荣臻元帅纪念馆,常年游客不断。纪念馆前的广场上矗立着一尊高大的塑像,这便是聂帅的塑像,让人一看便顿生敬仰之情。进入大厅向左转便是聂荣臻元帅的平生事迹介绍,再往前走,便是抗日战争时期的地形图,接着向右转便是模拟卫星发射演示厅,模拟卫星发射让你有有身临其境的感觉。还有更多有趣的东西在前面呢!好了好了,卖个关子,来这看看不就知道了。景点二:四面山风景区星级指数:★★★★★四面山风景区是国家级的风景区,一瀑布多,树木多,山水多而著称,年年游客络绎不绝。说说望乡台瀑布吧!那气势,那声势,可以用千军万马,排山倒海来形容了。离瀑布越近,越感觉到那如千万台缝纫机同时启动。那瀑布如一条白帘,一泻千里,那泻下来的水珠又如一颗颗晶莹的珍珠,落入碧绿的水中,就又是“大珠小珠落玉盘”了。四面山还有大小洪海湖,水口寺瀑布,龙潭,虎穴,原始森林,天星窝等景点,想看你就来吧!特产:柑橘星级指数:★★★★☆柑橘是家乡有名的特产之一。柑橘林便座落在家乡的艾坪山上。每到金秋时节,收柑橘的姑娘们就挎着篮子唱着山歌踏进柑橘林,摘下满满一篮子柑橘,让你大饱口福。怎么样!我的家乡不错吧!如果你还没来过,就请到我的家乡来看一看吧,家乡人民热情欢迎您!。
  • 为什么我没有推荐书?

  • 完整问题:我的任务都完成了,为什么没有推荐书,我没有办法加入门派?
  • 好评回答:和NPC说完话了吗?说完话就有了 没有的话在杨州可以买
  • 怎样教学生推荐书

  • 完整问题:怎样教学生推荐书
  • 好评回答:.. 自己写、自己评三好、自己写、我张、小琪琪你一定要采纳、你不采纳的话……..哼、
  • 关于美国留学推荐书和营业执照

  • 完整问题:关于美国留学推荐书和营业执照
  • 好评回答:你都去交SEVIS FEE了,还要什么PS啊。。。。。 就是自荐书。。。。。。 你录取都拿到了,还问PS干啥啊。营业执照:如果能拿最好拿。美国人不查你税务问题,那是中国人的工商局,地税等地方查的,美国人又不拿我们政府的工资,为啥要查你。关键人家要看你是否真的有钱去读书。存款证明:只要你签证的时候,在有效期内,就可以。哪怕第二天过期都没有问题。毕业证,成绩单,存款证明 + 存单原件,只要原件。美国人不认公正。SEVIS系统是美国国土安全局专门为了控制外国学生及学者的一个系统,SEVIS Fee 就是这个系统的建档费。在网上交, 用信用卡即可。
  • 求推荐书~?

  • 完整问题:求推荐书~~~~
  • 好评回答:《了不起的盖茨比》《傲慢与偏见》希望能帮到您。竭力为您回答,请赐我一个好评,谢谢亲。
  • 版权声明