financial claim是什么意思
- financial claim是什么意思
- financial claim[英][fann()l kleim][美][fann()l klem]债权,财务金融要求权; 网络债权; 金融债肌耿冠际攉宦圭为氦力权; 双语例句1The patent pledge is a legal system that the transferable patent right as the subject is guaranteed to financial claim.专利权质押是以可转让的专利财产权为标的而设定质权对债权予以担保的法律制度。
claim into是什么意思
- claim into是什么意思
- claim into索赔双语例句1Petrolube subdivided its claim into the loss elements described in table28 below.Petrolube将其索赔分成以下表28所列的损失内容。KSF divided its claim into four categories: contract loss, real propertyloss, other tangible property loss and other losses.KSF将其索赔分成4类:合同损失、不动产损失、其他有形财产损失和其他损失。Without a survey report issued by a respectable public surveyor tosupport your claim, we cant take your claim into consideration.如果没有知名的公正行出具的调查报告支持你们的索赔孩弧粉旧莠搅疯些弗氓,我们对你方的索赔不予考虑。
- claim是什么意思
- 动词:声称,断言名词:索赔,声称
claim against the seller是什么意思
- claim against the seller是什么意思
- claim against t孩珐粉貉莠股疯瘫弗凯he seller向卖方索赔 拼音 双语对照 claim against the seller英 [kleim ɡenst sel] 美 [klem ɡenst i sl] 词典[医]向卖方索赔
ha claimed that he wrote more than 5 theses in one year中的theses是什么意思
- ha claimed that he wrote more than 5 theses in one year中的theses是什么意思
- th单筏厕禾丿鼓搽态敞卡ese 这些的,形容词到theses 是论文,名词他宣称他在一年内写了五篇论文以上
ha claimed that he wrote more than 5 theses in one year中的theses是什么意思
- ha claimed that he wrote more than 5 theses in one year中的theses是什么意思
- th单筏厕禾丿鼓搽态敞卡ese 这些的,形容词到theses 是论文,名词他宣称他在一年内写了五篇论文以上
- ?php @Zend;3074;* ?This is not a text file!揄 *print EOM!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-W3CDTD HTML 4.0 TransitionalEN"HTMLHEADHEADBODY LANG="en-US" DIR="LTR"H2 ALIGN=CENTERZend Guard Run-time support missing!H2POne more more files on this web site were encoded by A HREF=""ZendGuardA and the required run-time support is not installed orproperly configured.PH3For the Web site userH3PThis means that this Web server is not configured correctly to runthe files that it contains. Please contact the Web sitesadministratorwebmaster and inform them of this problem and give themthe URL you are trying to display to help them in diagnosing theproblem.PH3For The Site AdministratorWeb MasterH3POne or more files on your site were encoded with Zend Guard. Thismay be third party libraries that were provided to you by an ISV. Toallow these files to properly run you need to download and installone of the Zend guard run-time libraries. This is either ZendOptimizer or Zend Loader. The proper files can be downloaded fromA HREF="" software is provided free of charge.PPBGeneral Disclaimer:B Zend Technologies is not responsible tothe configuration and setup of web sites using Zend Guard technology.Please contact your software vendor if these components were providedby an ISV or consult your Zend Guard Users Guide if these files wereencoded by your organization.PBODYHTMLEOM;exit();__halt_compiler();?问题补充: 我说的是下边这段代码?
- 普通的网页源码,有什么问题?
- claim的意思是要求;声称,我看的中文论文里好像没有这种表达,这种虽然是显然易见,但是需要单独列出的,在中文论文里用什么表示呢,不能用“性质”
- 英文文献中的claim 你好,帮你一下保证没问题
- 如图,文中的“名器”是什么意思?问题补充: 汉语词典没有这个词……百度百科的解释好像都不符合另外,别把邪恶的解释发上来→_→
- 日本放弃对台湾和澎湖群岛之全部权利、所有权和请求权(Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores.)。 ——right, title and claim权利、所有权和请求权 百度上翻译有误